

Recomputes configuration information for the target database and compares it to the current configuration information.


sp_dbcc_evaluatedb [dbname]



specifies the name of the target database. If you do not specify dbname, sp_dbcc_evaluatedb compares all databases listed in the dbcc_config table.


Example 1

Recomputes configuration information for the current database, sybsystemprocs, and suggests new values for some parameters:

1> sp_dbcc_evaluatedb
2> go
Recommended values for workspace size, cache size and process count are:
Database name : one_G
                                      current         suggested
scan workspace size :                    750M               16M
text workspace size :                      2K               48K
cache size          :                  10240K             1280K
process count       :                       3                 2
compression mem size:                   2048K               12M
Each of the reported quantities is reported in a scaled unit according to
G if size > 10G
M if 10M < size <=10 G
K otherwise



The permission checks for sp_dbcc_evaluatedb differ based on your granular permissions settings.

Granular permissions enabled

With granular permissions enabled, you must be the database owner of dbccdb (or dbccalt), or have the manage checkstorage privilege on the specified database.

Granular permissions disabled

With granular permissions disabled, you must be the database owner of the specified database, a user with sa_role. Only a System Administrator can run sp_dbcc_evaluatedb without specifying a database name.

See also

Commands dbcc

dbcc stored procedures sp_dbcc_updateconfig

System procedures sp_plan_dbccdb