

Similar in function to the optdiag standalone utility in an XML document but in a system procedure format, sp_showoptstats extracts and displays statistics and histograms for various data objects from system tables such as systabstats and sysstatistics.


sp_showoptstats  [[database_name.[owner].]table_name], [column_name], [h]



is the name of the database for which sp_showoptstats displays statistics and histograms. dbname has these restrictions:

  • Cross-database execution is not supported

  • You must currently be in the specified database to execute sp_showoptstats.

  • If you do not specify a database, sp_showoptstats displays statistics and histograms about the current database


is the name of the table owner. If owner name is not specified, the current user or dbo is used.


is the name of the table for which sp_showoptstats displays statistics and histograms. table_name has these restrictions:

  • If you do not specify a table, sp_showoptstats displays statistics and histograms about all tables in the current database. However, to reduce the length of output, sp_showoptstats does not display column statistics and histograms are at database level.

  • table_name must exist in the current database.


is the name of the column for which Adaptive Server displays statistics and histograms. If you do not specify a column, Adaptive Server displays the statistics for all columns and all indexes on the table you specify. If you specify a column_name, sp_showoptstats displays statistics and histograms for only this column


displays help information about the procedure.


Example 1

Displays statistics for all user tables in the pubs2 database:

1> use pubs2
2> go
1> sp_showoptstats 'pubs2..publishers'
2> go

Example 2

Displays statistics and histograms for the publishers table in the pubs2 database, in XML format:

1> use pubs2
2> go
1> sp_showoptstats publishers
2> go
The latest output is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <procVersion>sp_showoptstats/1.0/AnyPlatform/AnyOS/Fri Feb 18 18:18:18 
    <serverVersion>Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7/EBF XXXXX SMP Drop#2/B/NT 
(IX86)/Windows 2008 R2/aseasap/2617/32-bit/DEBUG/Wed Nov 17 02:14:21 
            <lastUpdate>Dec 10 2010  3:58:14:266PM</lastUpdate>
            <select>default used (0.33)</select>
            <inBetSel>default used (0.25)</inBetSel>
            <avgColWidth>default used (4.00)</avgColWidth>

Example 3

Shows the syntax of the procedure:

1> sp_showoptstats a,b,h
2> go
Usage: sp_showoptstats  [[database.[owner].]table], [column], [option]
(return status = 0)


See also

Utilities optdiag

Documentation Chapter 2, “Statistics Tables and Displaying Statistics with optdiag,” in Performance and Tuning Series: Improving Performance with Statistical Analysis; optdiag reference page in the Utility Guide.