Deletes from dbccdb all the information related to the specified target database.
sp_dbcc_deletedb [dbname | dbid]
specifies the name of the target database for which you want the configuration information deleted. If you do not specify a value for dbname, Adaptive Server deletes data from all databases in dbccdb..dbcc_config. If the target database is dbccdb, and dbccalt exists, Adaptive Server deletes the data from dbccalt.
specifies the database ID number of the target database for which you want the configuration information deleted.
Deletes all information for the database named engdb from dbccdb:
sp_dbcc_deletedb "engdb"
All information for database engdb has been deleted from dbccdb.
sp_dbcc_deletedb deletes from dbccdb all the information related to the specified target database, including configuration information and the results of previous dbcc checkstorage operations.
If the deleted database is dbccdb, and the dbccalt database exists, sp_dbcc_deletedb deletes the configuration information and results of dbccdb from dbccalt.
To remove the results of dbcc checkstorage operations created before a specific date, use sp_dbcc_deletehistory.
Using the dbid option is the only way to delete the contents of the dbccdb database for a database that has already been dropped.
Only a System Administrator or the Database Owner can run sp_dbcc_deletedb.
See the System Administration Guide for information about the dbccalt database.
dbcc stored procedures sp_dbcc_deletehistory, sp_dbcc_evaluatedb