(Tivoli Storage Manager only) Queries the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) for a list of the Adaptive Server backup objects.
sp_querysmobj is supported
only when the TSM is licensed at your site.
sp_querysmobj “syb_tsm”, “output_file”, “server_name” {, “database_name”, “object_name”, “dump_type”, “until_time”, “bs_name”}
is the keyword that invokes the libsyb_tsm.so module that enables communication with TSM.
is the file to which Backup Server writes the list of TSM backup objects.
is the name of the Adaptive Server associated with the TSM backup objects.
is the name of the database associated with the TSM backup objects. An asterisk (*) indicates all databases.
is the name of theTSM backup object as provided in the dump database or dump transaction command. If this parameter is omitted, all backup objects are queried. An asterisk (*) indicates all backup objects.
is the backup object type to be queried. Valid values are:
DB – database backup objects created by the dump database command.
XACT – database backup objects created by the dump transaction command.
* – all database backup objects. This is the default.
is the date timestamp. All backup objects matching the criteria entered in sp_querysmobj before the specified time are queried. If you omit this parameter, all backup objects matching the specified criteria are queried.
is the name of the remote Backup Server. If bs_name is omitted, the default, SYB_BACKUP, is used.
Queries all TSM backup objects for the Adaptive Server “demo_svr1” and writes the list to /tmp/qtsm/5_1.out.
sp_querysmobj "syb_tsm", "/tmp/qtsm/5_1.out", "demo_srv1"
Queries all TSM backup objects for the Adaptive Server “demo_svr1” and the database pubs2 and writes the list to /tmp/qtsm/5_2.out.
sp_querysmobj "syb_tsm", "/tmp/qtsm/5_2.out", "demo_srv1", "pubs2"
Queries all TSM database backup objects for the Adaptive Server “demo_svr1” and the database pubs2 and writes the list to /tmp/qtsm/5_3.out.
sp_querysmobj "syb_tsm", "/tmp/qtsm/5_3.out", "demo_srv1", "pubs2", "*", "DB"
For more information about Sybase support for the TSM, see Using Backup Server with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager.
Only the system administrator and users with the operator role can execute sp_querysmobj.
Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:
Event |
Audit option |
Command or access audited |
Information in extrainfo |
38 |
exec_procedure |
Execution of a procedure |