(Cluster environments only) Performs a number of procedures related to clusters.
Migrates a connection to a different logical cluster or instance:
sp_cluster connection, migrate, lc_name, instance_name, “spid_list”
Determines if previous connection migrations to a new instance are pending, and terminates the migrations if they are:
sp_cluster connection, [‘migrate_status’ | 'migrate_cancel' ][, ‘spid_list’]
Modifies an outstanding action, such as canceling the action or changing the timing of the action:
sp_cluster logical, "action", lc_name, { cancel, action_handle | modify_time, action_handle, wait_option[, timeout ] | release, action_handle }
Adds a resource or one or more routes to the logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "add", lc_name, { route, route_type, key_list | instance, instance_list | failover, instance_list }
Moves a route from one logical cluster to another:
sp_cluster logical, “alter”, lc_name, route, route_type, key_list
Creates a new logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "create", lc_name
Stops the logical cluster on one or more instances or the entire logical cluster, and places the instances or the cluster in the inactive state:
sp_cluster logical, "deactivate", lc_name, { "cluster" | "instance", instance_list } [, wait_option[, timeout,[, @handle output ]]]
Drops a logical cluster, or one or more resources from the logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "drop", lc_name, {cluster | instance, instance_list | failover, instance_list | route, route_type, key_list }
Reverses a manual failover, reinstating the original base instances:
sp_cluster logical, “failback”, lc_name, { cluster[, wait_option[, timeout[, @handle output ]]] | instance, from_instance_list, to_instance_list[, wait_option[, timeout[, @handle output ]]] }
Initiates a manual failover from base instances to failover instances.
sp_cluster logical, “failover”, lc_name, {cluster [, to_instance_list[, wait_option[, timeout[, @handle output ]]] | instance, from_instance_list, to_instance_list[, wait_option[, timeout[, @handle output ]]] }
Manually gathers and migrates a group of connections to a different logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, 'gather', lc_name
Displays complete syntax for sp_cluster logical:
sp_cluster logical, “help”
Stops the logical cluster on one or more instances or the entire logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "offline", lc_name, {cluster | instance, instance_list } [, wait_option[, timeout,[, @handle output ]]]
Starts the default logical cluster on one or more instances:
sp_cluster logical, "online", { lc_name[, instance_list]}
Sets logical cluster rules: the open logical cluster, the failover mode, the system view, the start-up mode, and the load profile:
sp_cluster logical, "set", lc_name, { open | failover, failover_mode | system_view, view_mode | startup, { automatic | manual } | load_profile, profile_name } login_distribution, { affinity | "round-robin" }
Displays information about a logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "show" [, lc_name[, {action[, state] | route[, type[, key]]}]]
Lets you set up and manage the load profile for the logical cluster:
sp_cluster profile, [ "show" [, profile_name ] | "create", profile_name | "drop", profile_name | "set", profile_name [, weight [, wt_metric [, wt_value ] | threshold [, thr_metric [, thr_value ] ] ]
Lets you set up and manage the load profile for the logical cluster:
sp_cluster profile, [ "show" [, profile_name ] | "create", profile_name | "drop", profile_name | "set", profile_name [, weight [, wt_metric [, wt_value ] | threshold [, thr_metric [, thr_value ] ] ]
lc_name – is the name of the logical cluster.
instance_name – is the name of the instance.
spid_list – is the list of spids you are migrating. Separate multiple spids with semicolons.
spid_list – is the list of spids you are investigating.
migrate_cancel – indicates you are terminating the connection migrations.
migrate_status – indicates you are investigating the status of connection migrations.
cancel – specifies an action to be canceled.
action_handle – is the action identifier.
modify_time – specifies that the time of the action is to be modified.
wait_option – is how the time of the action is to be modified. Values are:
wait – indicates that existing connections are given a specified amount of time (or an infinite amount of time if no timeout is given) to migrate or disconnect.
nowait – indicates that existing connections are migrated or disconnected immediately.
until – indicates that existing connections are given until a specific time of day to migrate or disconnect.
timeout – is a specific amount of time (when used with wait) or a specific time (when used with until). The format is “hh:mm:ss” according to a 24-hour clock. For example, timeout records “11:30 p.m” (or “11:30pm”) as “23:30:00”.
release – specifies that all resources held by a completed action are to be released.
lc_name – is the name of a logical cluster.
route – specifies that one or more routes are to be added to the logical cluster
route_type – is the type of route to be added. Values are:
application – specifies a route for an application name to the logical cluster.
login – specifies a route for a login name to the logical cluster.
alias – specifies a route for a server name alias to the logical cluster.
key_list – is a list of applications, logins, or aliases, depending on the route type. Elements in the key list are delimited by semicolons.
instance – specifies that one or more base instances are to be added to the logical cluster.
instance_list – is the list of instances to be added. Separate multiple instances with semicolons.
failover – specifies that one or more failover instances are to be added to the logical cluster.
lc_name – is the name of a logical cluster.
route – specifies a route is to be altered.
route_type – is the type of route to be altered. Values are:
application – specifies a route for an application name to the logical cluster.
login – specifies a route for a login name to the logical cluster.
alias – specifies a route for a server name alias to the logical cluster.
key_list – is a list of applications, logins, or aliases, depending on the route type. Elements in a key list are delimited with semicolons.
lc_name – is name of the logical cluster.
lc_name – name of a logical cluster.
cluster – specifies the entire cluster.
instance – specifies that only certain instances in the logical cluster are to be placed in the inactive state.
instance_list – list of selected instances in the logical cluster.
wait_option – the valid options are:
wait – indicates that existing connections are given a specified amount of time (or an infinite amount of time if no timeout is given) to migrate or disconnect.
nowait – indicates that existing connections are migrated or disconnected immediately.
until – indicates that existing connections are given until a specific time of day to migrate or disconnect.
timeout – a specific amount of time (when used with wait) or a specific time (when used with until). The format is “hh:mm:ss” according to a 24-hour clock. For example, timeout records 11:30 p.m. as 23:30:00.
@handle output – specifies that an action handle is to be retrieved for the action.
lc_name – name of a logical cluster.
cluster – specifies the entire cluster.
instance – specifies that only certain instances in the logical cluster are to be placed in the inactive state.
instance_list – list of selected instances in the logical cluster.
wait_option – where the valid options are:
wait – indicates that existing connections are given a specified amount of time (or an infinite amount of time if no timeout is given) to migrate or disconnect.
nowait – indicates that existing connections are migrated or disconnected immediately.
until – indicates that existing connections are given until a specific time of day to migrate or disconnect.
timeout – a specific amount of time (when used with wait) or a specific time (when used with until). The format is “hh:mm:ss” according to a 24-hour clock. For example, timeout records 11:30 p.m. as 23:30:00.
@handle output – specifies that an action handle is to be retrieved for the action.
lc_name – name of a logical cluster.
cluster – specifies the entire cluster.
to_instance_list – list of predefined failover instances. A value of NULL activates the first failover group.
from_instance_list – list of instances that are to be taken offline.
wait_option – where the valid options are:
wait – indicates that existing connections are given a specified amount of time (or an infinite amount of time if no timeout is given) to migrate or disconnect.
nowait – indicates that existing connections are migrated or disconnected immediately.
until – indicates that existing connections are given until a specific time of day to migrate or disconnect.
timeout – a specific amount of time (when used with wait) or a specific time (when used with until). The format is “hh:mm:ss” according to a 24-hour clock. For example, timeout records 11:30 p.m. as 23:30:00.
@handle output – specifies that an action handle is to be retrieved for the action.
lc_name – name of a logical cluster.
cluster – specifies the failover of the entire logical cluster.
to_instance_list – list of predefined failover instances. A value of NULL activates the first failover group.
wait_option – how the time of the action is to be recorded. Values are:
wait – indicates that existing connections are given a specified amount of time (or an infinite amount of time if no timeout is given) to migrate or disconnect.
nowait – indicates that existing connections are migrated or disconnected immediately.
until – indicates that existing connections are given until a specific time of day to migrate or disconnect.
timeout – is a specific amount of time (when used with wait) or a specific time (when used with until). The format is "hh:mm:ss" according to a 24-hour clock. For example, timeout records 11:30 pm as 23:30:00.
@handle output – specifies that an action handle is to be retrieved for the failover.
instance – specifies that only selected instances in the logical cluster are to fail over.
from_instance_list – list of instances that are to be taken offline
gather – indicates you are gathering a set of qualified connections to migrate them to another logical cluster.
lc_name – name of a logical cluster to which you are migrating the connections.
lc_name – name of a logical cluster.
cluster – specifies the entire cluster.
instance – specifies that only selected instances in the logical cluster are to taken offline.
instance_list – list of selected instances in the logical cluster.
wait_option – how the time of the action is to be specified. Values are:
wait – indicates that existing connections are given a specified amount of time (or an infinite amount of time if no timeout is given) to migrate or disconnect.
nowait – indicates that existing connections are migrated or disconnected immediately.
until – indicates that existing connections are given until a specific time of day to migrate or disconnect.
timeout – is a specific amount of time (when used with wait) or a specific time (when used with until). The format is "hh:mm:ss" according to a 24-hour clock. For example, timeout records 11:30 pm as 23:30:00.
@handle output – specifies that an action handle is to be retrieved for the action.
from_instance_list – list of instances that are to be taken offline
lc_name – name of a logical cluster.
instance_list – list of selected instances in the logical cluster.
lc_name – name of a logical cluster.
open – sets the open logical cluster. Unrouted connections are sent to the open logical cluster.
failover failover_mode – sets the failover mode of the logical cluster. Values for failover_mode are:
instance – specifies a 1:1 failover strategy; every time a base instance fails, a failover resource is brought online.
group – specifies that failover resources are brought online only after all base instances in the cluster fail.
system_view view_mode – sets the default system view for tasks running in the logical cluster. Values for view_mode are:
instance – specifies that monitoring and informational tools such as sp_who, sp_lock, and monitoring tables describe an instance.
cluster – specifies that monitoring and informational tools such as sp_who, sp_lock, and monitoring tables describe the whole cluster.
startup { automatic | manual} – sets the start-up mode of the logical cluster.
automatic – specifies that the logical cluster is started automatically when the cluster starts.
manual – specifies that the logical cluster must be started manually.
login_distribution – specifies how the Cluster Edition distributes connections when a logical cluster spans multiple instances.
action_release – enables or disables the automatic releasing and clearing of these logical cluster actions—online, offline, failover, and failback—after they are completed or cancelled.
automatic – specifies that logical cluster actions are cleared automatically.
manual – specifies that logical cluster actions are not cleared after they are completed or cancelled. This is the default.
gather – enables or disables the movement of groups of connections to a different logical cluster when one of these predefined actions occurs—online, add route, alter route, or drop route.
automatic – specifies that the connections are moved automatically.
manual – specifies that the connections are not moved automatically. This is the default.
@handle output – specifies that an action handle is to be retrieved for the action.
from_instance_list – list of instances that are to be taken offline
lc_name – name of the logical cluster. If NULL is entered, summary information for all logical clusters is displayed.
action – specifies information about administrative actions: failover, failback, online, offline, deactivate.
state – one of: cancelled, complete, or active.
route – specifies information about routes.
type – is one of: application, alias, or login.
key – a specific login, alias, or application name.
show – displays configured load profiles and their settings.
profile_name – name of a load profile.
creates – creates a new load profile.
drop – drops a load profile.
set – specifies attributes of a load profile. You must set each attribute individually.
weight – specifies a weight attribute.
wt_metric – specifies an individual weight metric. Values are:
user connections – the capacity of an instance to accept a new connection, based on resource availability.
cpu utilization – the capacity of an instance to accept a new connection, based on resource availability.
run queue – the capacity of an instance to accept a new connection, based on resource availability.
io load – outstanding asynchronous I/Os.
engine deficit – the difference in the number of online engines among instances in the cluster.
engine deficit is measurable only
when instances in the cluster have unequal numbers of engines. engine
deficit adds a metric for maximum relative capacity to
the load score.
user metric – an optional, user-supplied metric.
wt_value – specifies a weight value. Valid values are 0 to 255. A weight of zero (0) excludes the metric from calculation.
threshold – specifies a threshold attribute.
thr_metric – specifies a particular threshold attribute. Values are:
dynamic – specifies a threshold for dynamic load distribution.
login – specifies a threshold for login redirection
hysteresis – specifies a minimum load score for any connection redirection.
thr_value – depends on value of thr_metric. When thr_metric is:
dynamic or login – thr_value is the percentage difference between the load scores of two instances. Valid values are 0 to 100. A weight of zero (0) disables this form of load distribution.
hysteresis – thr_value is the minimum load score for the target instance that must be met before dynamic load distribution or login redirection can occur.
Moves the connection with a spid of 73 into the SalesLC cluster:
sp_cluster connection, migrate, SalesLC, NULL, '73'
Moves the current connection to the “ase3” instance:
sp_cluster connection, migrate, NULL, ase3
Moves connections with spid values of 73 and 75 into “ase3” instance and the SalesLC cluster:
sp_cluster connection, migrate, SalesLC, ase3, '73;75'
Determines if there is a connection migration occurring on spid 73; if there is, the Cluster Edition cancels the migration:
sp_cluster connection, 'migrate_cancel', '73'
Checks the status of migrated connections for connections with a spid value of 73:
sp_cluster connection, 'migrate_status', '73'
SPID LogicalCluster Instance MigrationLogicalCluster MigrationInstance Command ---- -------------- -------- ----------------------- ------------------ ------- 73 SystemLC ase1 SalesLC ase3 connection migrate
Cancels a timed action on the “SalesLC” logical cluster. The action handle is 4390.
sp_cluster logical, "action", SalesLC, cancel, "4390"
Changes the wait option for existing action 5364 to nowait.
sp_cluster logical, "action", SalesLC, modify_time, "5364", nowait
Releases action 3456 for the “SalesLC” logical cluster.
sp_cluster logical, "action", SalesLC, release, "3456"
Releases all completed or cancelled actions for the “SalesLC” logical cluster.
sp_cluster logical, "action", SalesLC, release, "all"
Adds instances “ase1” and “ase2” to the “SalesLC” logical cluster.
sp_cluster logical, "add", SalesLC, instance, "ase1;ase2"
Creates one failover group with “ase3” for “SalesLC”.
sp_cluster logical, "add", SalesLC, failover, ase3
Routes the logins “tom”, “dick”, and “harry” to the “SalesLC” logical cluster
sp_cluster logical, "add", SalesLC, route, login, "tom;dick;harry"
Routes the field_sales application to the “SalesLC” logical cluster.
sp_cluster logical, "add", SalesLC, route, application, field_sales
Creates a route of type alias to logical cluster “lc1” with the alias “SalesLC”. Then, changes the logical cluster association of the route from “lc1” to “lc2”. The route is identified by its route type (alias) and its key (SalesLC).
sp_cluster logical, "add", "lc1", "route", "alias", "SalesLC" sp_cluster logical, "alter", "lc2", "route", "alias", "SalesLC"
Creates a logical cluster named “SalesLC”:
sp_cluster logical, "create", SalesLC
Immediately stops all instances in the “SalesLC” logical cluster, and places “SalesLC” in the inactive state:
sp_cluster logical, "deactivate", SalesLC, cluster, nowait
Stops the “ase1” and “ase2” instances, and places “SalesLC” in the inactive state:
sp_cluster logical, "deactivate", SalesLC, instance, "ase1;ase2"
Drops the “SalesLC” logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "drop", SalesLC, cluster
Drops the base instances “ase1” and “ase2” from the “SalesLC” logical cluster.
sp_cluster logical, "drop", SalesLC, instance, "ase1;ase2"
Drops the routes from the applications field_sales and web_sales from the “SalesLC” logical cluster.
sp_cluster logical "drop", SalesLC, route, application, "field_sales;web_sales"
Fails back the “SalesLC” logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "failback", SalesLC, cluster
“SalesLC” is running on “ase3” and “ase1”. In this example, “ase3” fails back to “ase1”, and “SalesLC” continues to run on “ase2”. The action takes place in two minutes:
declare @out_handle varchar(15) execute sp_cluster logical, "failback", SalesLC, instance, ase3, ase1, wait, "00:02:00", @handle = @out_handle output
Fails over the “SalesLC” logical cluster to the first group of predefined failover resources. The failover waits 2 minutes before terminating connections.
declare @out_handle varchar(15) execute sp_cluster logical, "failover", SalesLC, cluster, NULL, wait, "00:02:00", @handle = @out_handle output
Action '2' has been issued for the 'failover cluster' command.Logical Cluster Handle Action From To State InstancesWaiting ConnectionsRemaining WaitType StartTime Deadline CompleteTime --------------- ----------- -------------------------------- -------- -- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------- -------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------------------SalesLC 2 failover cluster 2, 4 NULL complete 0 0 wait Nov 15 2007 3:23PM Nov 15 2007 3:25PM Nov 15 2007 3:23PM Remember to issue the 'sp_cluster logical, action, <logical cluster name>, release, <handle>' command for any cancelled or completed actions.
“SalesLC” is running on “ase1” and “ase2”. In this example, “ase1” fails over to “ase3”, and “SalesLC” continues to run on “ase2”. No wait option is specified, so it defaults to an indefinite wait.
sp_cluster logical, "failover", SalesLC, instance, ase1, ase3
Action '1' has been issued for the 'failover instance' command. Logical Cluster Handle Action From To State InstancesWaiting ConnectionsRemaining WaitType StartTime Deadline CompleteTime ------- --------------- ------- ---- ---- --------- ---------------- --------------------- ----------- ------------------ --------- ---------------- SalesLC 1 failover instance 1 4 complete 0 0 infinite Nov 15 2007 3:06PM NULL Nov 15 2007 3:06PM Remember to issue the `sp_cluster logical, action, <logical cluster name>, release, <handle>' command for any cancelled or completed actions.
Gathers and migrates a group of connections to the “new_stores” logical cluster:
sp_cluster logical, 'gather', new_stores
Displays syntax for the sp_cluster logical stored procedures.
sp_cluster logical, "help"
Usage for sp_cluster 'logical': sp_cluster 'logical', 'help' [, <module>] To show the logical cluster configuration: sp_cluster 'logical', 'show' sp_cluster 'logical', 'show', <lcname> sp_cluster 'logical', 'show', <lcname> | NULL, 'action' [, <state>] sp_cluster 'logical', 'show', <lcname> | NULL, 'route' [, <type [, <key>]] To create a logical cluster: sp_cluster 'logical', 'create', <lcname> To add resources to a logical cluster: sp_cluster 'logical', 'add', <lcname>, 'failover', <instance_list> [,<group>] sp_cluster 'logical', 'add', <lcname>, 'instance', <instance_list sp_cluster 'logical', 'add', <lcname>, 'route', <route_type>, <key_list> To drop resources from a logical cluster: sp_cluster 'logical', 'drop', <lcname>, 'cluster' sp_cluster 'logical', 'drop', <lcname>, 'failover', <instance_list> sp_cluster 'logical', 'drop', <lcname>, 'instance', <instance_list> sp_cluster 'logical', 'drop', <lcname>, 'route', <route_type>, <key_list> Argument details: <lcname> is a logical cluster nam <instance_list> is a ';' separated list of instance <route_type> is one of {'user', 'application', 'alias <key_list> is a ';' separated list of keys To set attributes of a logical cluster: sp_cluster 'logical', 'set', <lcname>, 'open' sp_cluster 'logical', 'set', <lcname>, 'down_routing', 'disconnect' | 'system' | 'open' sp_cluster 'logical', 'set', <lcname>, 'failover', 'instance' | 'group' sp_cluster 'logical', 'set', <lcname>, 'load_profile', <profile_name> sp_cluster 'logical', 'set', <lcname>, 'startup', 'automatic' | 'manual' sp_cluster 'logical', 'set', <lcname>, 'system_view', 'instance' | 'cluster' To start and stop a logical cluster: sp_cluster 'logical', 'online', <lcname>[, <instance_list>] sp_cluster 'logical', 'offline', <lcname>, 'cluster'[, <wait_option>[,<time>[, @handle output]]] sp_cluster 'logical', 'offline', <lcname>, 'instance', <instance_list>[,<wait_option>[, <time>[, @handle output]]] To failover and failback a logical cluster: sp_cluster 'logical', 'failover', <lcname>, 'cluster'[, <instance_list>[, <wait_option>[, <time>[, @handle output]]]] sp_cluster 'logical', 'failover', <lcname>, 'instance', <from_instance_list>, <instance_list>[, <wait_option>[,<time>[, @handle output]]] sp_cluster 'logical', 'failback', <lcname>, 'cluster'[,<instance_list>[, <wait_option>[, <time>[, @handle output]]]] sp_cluster 'logical', 'failback', <lcname>, 'instance', <from_instance_list>, <instance_list>[, <wait_option>[,<time>[, @handle output]]] To work with action handles: sp_cluster 'logical', 'action', <lcname>, 'cancel', <handle> sp_cluster 'logical', 'action', <lcname>, 'modify_time', <handle>, <wait_option>[, <time>] sp_cluster 'logical', 'action', <lcname>, 'release', <handle> Argument details: <wait_option> is one of {'nowait', 'wait', 'until'} <time> is a time in hh:mm:ss format <handle> is an action handle
Immediately stops all instances in the “SalesLC”, and places “SalesLC” in the offline state.
sp_cluster logical, "offline", SalesLC, cluster, nowait
Stops the “ase1” and “ase2” instances in “SalesLC”, and places “SalesLC” in the offline state.
sp_cluster logical, "offline", SalesLC, instance, "ase1;ase2"
Starts all base instances in the “SalesLC” logical cluster, and brings the cluster online.
sp_cluster logical, "online", SalesLC
Starts the “ase1” instance in “SalesLC”, and brings the cluster online.
sp_cluster logical, "online", SalesLC, ase1
Sets the load profile for the “SalesLC” logical cluster to the Sybase profile sybase_profile_oltp:
sp_cluster logical, "set", SalesLC, load_profile, sybase_profile_oltp
Sets the default system view to cluster:
sp_cluster logical, "set", SalesLC, system_view, cluster
Displays summary information for all configured logical clusters.
sp_cluster logical, "show", NULL
ID Name State Online Instances Connections--- ------- ------- ------------------ ---------------1 mycluster online 4 1 2 SalesLC online 2 0 3 HRLC online 1 0 4 CatchallLC offline 0 0 Logical cluster 'mycluster' is the system logical cluster. Logical cluster 'CatchallLC' is the open logical cluster. Logical Cluster Instance State Type Connections Load Score ---------------- -------- ------ ------ -------------- ----------- HRLC silk online base 0 0.01 SalesLC cotton offline failover 0 0.00 SalesLC linen online base 0 0.00 SalesLC silk offline failover 0 0.01 SalesLC wool online base 0 0.01 mycluster cotton online base 0 0.00 mycluster linen online base 0 0.00 mycluster silk online base 0 0.01 mycluster wool online base 1 0.01
Displays a list of all outstanding actions.
sp_cluster logical, "show", NULL, action
Displays information for the SalesLC logical cluster.
sp_cluster logical, "show", SalesLC
ID Name State Online Instances Connections ----------- -------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- 2 OrderLC online 1 0 Instance State Type Connections Load Score Failover Gro --------------- ---------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- asedemo1 online base 0 0.78 NU Attribute Setting ------------------ ------------------------------------ Down Routing Mode system Failover Mode instance with fail_to_any LC Roles none Load Profile sybase_profile_oltp Login Distribution affinity Startup Mode automatic System View cluster Route Type Route Key ---------------------- ------------------ application order_app Logical cluster 'OrderLC' has no associated actions. (return status = 0)
Creates the load profile “my_profile”:
sp_cluster profile, "create", my_profile
Specifies the metric weights for “my_profile.” “user connections” is set to zero, which excludes that metric from the profile:
sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, weight, "user connections", '0' sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, weight, cpu utilization, '20' sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, weight, runqueue, '30' sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, weight, io load, '10' sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, weight, engine deficit, '10' sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, weight, user metric, '30'
Sets the login redirection threshold to 80 and the hysteresis value to 10 for “my_profile:”
sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, threshold, login, '80' sp_cluster profile, "set", my_profile, threshold, hysteresis, '10'
Displays information about a configured profile:
sp_cluster profile, "show", my_profile
ID Profile Type Connections CPU Run Queue ---- ------------ ------- ------------- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- 100 my_profile user 0 20 30 10 10 30 30 0 20 Profile Logical Cluster ------------------------- -------------- my_profile SalesLC Profile Logical Cluster Instance Load Score Connections Score CPU Score Run Queue Score IO Load Score User Score ---------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- my_profile SalesLC ase1 0.028871 0.000000 0.028871 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 my_profile ase2 0.029474 0.000000 0.029474 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 my_profile ase3 0.019503 0.000000 0.019503 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 my_profile ase4 0.582675 0.000000 0.290930 0.291745 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
To migrate the current spid, omit spid_list from sp_cluster connection, migrate.
Retrieve an action handle by querying the monLogicalClusterAction table or executing:
sp_cluster logical, "show", NULL, action
Any client that does not support migration is disconnected when it completes a SQL batch and has no open transactions, or when the timeout period expires, which ever comes first.
Any client remaining at the end of the timeout period is disconnected.
Cancelling an action does not roll back the action. Additional tasks may be necessary to restore the configuration to the original state.
Only completed actions can be released. Releasing an action removes the completed action from the system and from the monLogicalClusterAction table.
You cannot add a base instance or a failover resource to the system logical cluster.
Separate multiple instance, failover resources, or applications with semicolons.
Create multiple failover groups by enclosing the group in parenthesis, and separating groups with a comma. If you do not specify group, a new group is created and the instances are added to that group. You can specify a group into which the instances are placed (the group number must be quoted).
For example:
1> sp_cluster logical, 'add', tempLC, failover, "asedemo3;asedemo2" 2> go
Added failover instance 'asedemo3' to group 1 for logical cluster 'tempLC'. Added failover instance 'asedemo2' to group 1 for logical cluster 'tempLC'.
And then add the instances to the group:
1> sp_cluster logical, 'add', tempLC, failover, asedemo4, "4" 2> go
Added failover instance 'asedemo4' to group 4 for logical cluster 'tempLC'.
You cannot use the deactivate command for the system logical cluster.
offline is identical to the deactivate, except deactivate places stopped instances or clusters in the inactive state and offline places them in the offline state.
You must place an instance or failover resource in the offline state before dropping it.
Dropping a cluster also drops all routes, resources, and settings associated with the cluster.
To initiate a failback, the logical cluster must first be failed over.
The logical cluster must be online to gather connections manually
The logical cluster must have defined routes to gather connections
You cannot use the offline command for the system logical cluster.
offline is identical to deactivate, except deactivate places stopped instances or clusters in the inactive state.
You cannot use the online command for the system logical cluster.
Only one logical cluster can have the open property. When you set the open property to a new logical cluster, the open property is removed from the previous open logical cluster.
The user metric value must be normalized so that it is compatible with values for metrics provided by Sybase. Consider a user metric that measures response times. If the maximum acceptable response time is 10 seconds and the measured value is 5, the metric value is 50 (5/10 x 100 = 50).
Threshold metrics let you configure at what point a load imbalance should cause connections to be redirected from one instance to another. The workload manager redirects connections when the load score difference (as a percent) between the target instance and the least loaded instance meets or exceeds the threshold value.
The hysteresis value guards against redirection when the load score difference meets the threshold value, but the instance load scores (for example, 2 and 8) are so low that redirection is not appropriate.