

Component Integration Services only Creates an alternate login account and password to use when communicating with a remote server through Component Integration Services.


sp_addexternlogin server, loginame, externname 
	[, externpasswd] [rolename]



is the name of the remote server. The remote_server must be known to the local server by an entry in the master.dbo.sysservers table.


is an account known to the local server. loginame must be represented by an entry in the master.dbo.syslogins table. The “sa” account, the “sso” account, and the loginame account are the only users authorized to modify remote access for a given local user.


is an account known to the server and must be a valid account on the node where the server runs. This is the account used for logging into the server.


is the password for externnname.


is the Adaptive Server user’s assigned role. If rolename is specified, login_name is ignored.


Example 1

Tells the local server that when the login name “bobj” logs in, access to the remote server OMNI1012 is by the remote name “jordan” and the remote password “hitchpost”. Only the “bobj” account, the “sa” account, and the “sso” account have the authority to add or modify a remote login for the login name “bobj”:

sp_addexternlogin OMNI1012, bobj, jordan, hitchpost

Example 2

Shows a many-to-one mapping so that all Adaptive Server Enterprise users that need a connection to DB2 can be assigned the same name and password:

sp_addexternlogin DB2, NULL, login2, password2

Example 3

Adaptive Server Enterprise roles can also be assigned remote logins. With this capability, anyone with a particular role can be assigned a corresponding login name and password for a given remote server:

sp_addexternlogin DB2, NULL, login3, password3, role



Only the loginame, a System Administrator, and a System Security Officer can execute sp_addexternlogin.


Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:


Audit option

Command or access audited

Information in extrainfo



Execution of a procedure

  • Roles – Current active roles

  • Keywords or options – NULL

  • Previous value – NULL

  • Current value – NULL

  • Other information – All input parameters

  • Proxy information – Original login name, if set proxy in effect

See also

System procedures sp_addserver, sp_dropexternlogin, sp_helpexternlogin, sp_helpserver