

sp_fixindex repairs a set of indexes (rather than on a single index) on a systemt able when it has been corrupted. sp_fixindex rebuilds the data layer if the target table has a placement or clustered index (it reclaims the unused space in the data layer while working on the placement or clustered index of a system table).


sp_fixindex database_name, table_name [, index_id | null] 
	[, index_name | null]  [, force_option]



is the database name


is the table name


is the ID of the index you want to fix


indicates the index that needs to be processed. If a NULL value is used, the index associated with index_id is rebuilt. If index_id is also a NULL value, all the indexes in the system table are rebuilt


forces Adaptive Server to rebuild the system table index in tempdb. sp_fixindex without the force_option forces the database specified by database_name to be in single-user mode, which is not possible for tempdb. Although the force_option allows you to rebuilt system catalogs in tempdb, it should not be used for user databases.


Example 1

Repairs the clustered index on the sysprocedures table of the pubs2 database:

sp_fixindex pubs2, sysprocedures, 1

Example 2

Rebuilds the index with an index ID of 2 on testdb..sysprocedures:

sp_fixindex 'testdb', 'sysprocedures', 2

Example 3

Rebuilds the index csysprocedures in the testdb..sysprocedures system table:

sp_fixindex 'testdb', 'sysprocedures', null, 'csysprocedures'

Example 4

Rebuilds all available indexes on the sysprocedures table in testdb. If the table has clustered or placement index, sp_fixindex reclaims the unused space by removing the garbage present in data pages (that is, it rebuilds the data pages):

sp_fixindex 'testdb', 'sysprocedures'

Example 5

Rebuilds the index with an with an index ID of 2 on tempdb..sysprocedures:

sp_fixindex 'tempdb', 'sysprocedures', 2, null, 1

Example 6

Rebuilds the index csysprocedures for the table tempdb..sysprocedures:

sp_fixindex 'tempdb', 'sysprocedures', null, 'sysprocedures', 1

Example 7

Rebuilds all indexes on sysprocedures in tempdb:

sp_fixindex 'tempdb', 'sysprocedures', null, null, 1


Before you run sp_fixindex, make sure your database is in single-user mode, and is reconfigured to allow updates to system tables.

After you run sp_fixindex:

Do not run sp_fixindex on user tables.

Repairing a nonclustered index on sysobjects using sp_fixindex requires additional steps.

WARNING! Do not run sp_fixindex on the clustered index of the sysobjects or sysindexes tables or on user tables. If you do, sp_fixindex returns the following error message:

The index with id 1 on sysobjects cannot be recreated.


Only SA can run sp_fixindex.


Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:


Audit option

Command or access audited

Information in extrainfo



Execution of a procedure

  • Roles – Current active roles

  • Keywords or options – NULL

  • Previous value – NULL

  • Current value – NULL

  • Other information – All input parameters

  • Proxy information – Original login name, if set proxy in effect

See also

Documents For more information on sp_fixindex, see: