remove java

Removes one or more Java-SQL classes, packages, or JARs from a database, when Java classes are installed in the database.


remove java 
	class class_name[, class_name]...
		| package package_name[, package_name]...
		| jar jar_name[, jar_name]...[retain classes]



  • If a remove java statement is contained in a stored procedure, the current database is the database that is current when the procedure is created, not the database that is current when the procedure is called.

    If a remove java statement is not contained in a stored procedure, the current database is the database that is current when the remove statement is executed.

  • If class or package is specified and any removed class has an associated JAR, then an exception is raised.

  • If any stored procedure, table, or view contains a reference to a removed class as the datatype of a column, variable, or parameter, then an exception is raised.

  • All removed classes are:
    • Deleted from the current database.

    • Unloaded from the Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) of the current connection. The removed classes are not unloaded from the Java VMs of other connections.

  • If any exception is raised during the execution of remove java, then all actions of remove java are cancelled.

  • You cannot remove a Java-SQL class if that class is directly referenced by a SQLJ stored procedure or function.

  • To remove a Java-SQL class from the database, you must:
    1. Delete all SQLJ stored procedures or functions that directly reference the class using drop procedure and drop function.

    2. Delete the Java-SQL class from the database using remove java.

  • When you use remove java, an exclusive table lock is placed on sysxtypes.

  • If jar is specified, then an exclusive table lock is placed on sysjars.

See also:
  • Java in Adaptive Server Enterprise

  • sp_helpjava in Reference Manual: Procedures

  • sysjars, sysxtypes in Reference Manual: Tables

  • extractjava, installjava in the Utility Guide


You must be a system administrator or database owner to use remove java.

The permission checks for remove jar class differ based on your granular permissions settings.


With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage database privilege.


With granular permissions disabled, you must be the database owner.


Values in event and extrainfo columns of sysaudits are:



Audit option


Command or access audited

remove java

Information in extrainfo
  • Roles – current active roles

  • Keywords or options – NULL

  • Previous value – NULL

  • Current value – NULL

  • Other information – NULL

  • Proxy information – original login name, if a set proxy is in effect