Restrictions for using load database.
CIS only – Any proxy tables in the database are part of the database save set. The content data of proxy tables is not included in the save; only the pointer is saved and restored.
You can only load a database dump into a server with the same sort order as the source server.
You cannot load a dump that was generated on a server earlier than version 12.5.4.
If a database has cross-database referential integrity constraints, the sysreferences system table stores the name—not the ID number—of the external database. The SAP ASE server cannot guarantee referential integrity if you use load database to change the database name or to load it onto a different server.
Each time you add or remove a cross-database constraint or drop a table that contains a cross-database constraint, dump both of the affected databases.
load database clears the suspect page entries pertaining to the loaded database from master..sysattributes.
load database overwrites any existing data in the database.
Backup Server zeroes the non-allocated pages that are in the source database’s space map. This zeroing is embedded as part of the physical load, and happens during the load database.
If the target database is larger than the source, then the space above the ceiling of the source database’s space map is zeroed by the SAP ASE server after Backup Server has completed the load.
Recovery ignores transactions that completed before the checkpoint that was written by dump database at the start of its operation. Completed transactions in the active portion of the transaction log are rolled forward by recovery. In a load sequence, rollback of incomplete transactions happens at the end of that sequence, under online database.
The receiving database must be as large as or larger than the database to be loaded. If the receiving database is too small, the SAP ASE server displays an error message that gives the required size.
You cannot load from the null device (on UNIX, /dev/null).
You cannot use load database in a user-defined transaction.
Once you load a database, the SAP ASE server automatically identifies the endian type on the dump file and performs all necessary conversions while the load database and online database commands execute.
Nonclustered index on APL (all pages locked) table
Clustered index on DOL (data-only locked) table
Nonclustered index on DOL table
During cross-platform dump and load operations, suspect partitions are handled as follows:
During the first online database command, after you execute load database across two platforms with different endian types, the hash partition is marked suspect.
Any global clustered index on a round-robin partition, which has an internally generated partition condition with a unichar or univarchar partition key, is marked suspect.
After the database is online, use sp_post_xpload to fix the suspect partitions and indexes.
dump transaction and load transaction are not allowed across platforms.
dump database and load database to or from a remote backupserver are not supported across platforms.
You cannot load a password-protected dump file across platforms.
If you perform dump database and load database for a parsed XML object, you must parse the text again after the load database command has completed.
You cannot perform dump database and load database across platforms on SAP ASE versions earlier than 11.9.
SAP ASE servers cannot translate embedded data structures stored as binary, varbinary, or image columns.
load database is not allowed on the master database across platforms.
Stored procedures and other compiled objects are recompiled from the SQL text in syscomments at the first execution after the load database.
If you do not have permission to recompile from text, then the person who does has to recompile from text using dbcc upgrade_object to upgrade objects.