Restrictions for using dump transaction.
The maximum file path/name size for a physical device is 127 characters.
You cannot dump to the null device (on UNIX, /dev/null).
You cannot use the dump transaction command in a transaction.
When using 1/4-inch cartridge tape, you can dump only one database or transaction log per tape.
You cannot run dump transaction database_name to before fully dumping a newly created database.
You cannot use dump transaction database_name to once an unlogged operation has been performed in the database.
You cannot issue dump the transaction log while the trunc log on chkpt database option is enabled or after enabling select into/bulk copy/pllsort and making minimally logged changes to the database with select into, fast bulk copy operations, default unlogged writetext operations, or a parallel sort. Use dump database instead.
If a database does not have a log segment on a separate device from data segments, you cannot use dump transaction to copy the log and truncate it.
If a user or threshold procedure issues a dump transaction command on a database where a dump database or another dump transaction is in progress, the second command sleeps until the first completes.
To restore a database, use load database to load the most recent database dump; then use load transaction to load each subsequent transaction log dump in the order in which it was made.
Each time you add or remove a cross-database constraint, or drop a table that contains a cross-database constraint, dump both of the affected databases.
You cannot mix SAP dumps and non-SAP data (for example, UNIX archives) on the same tape.
You cannot dump a transaction with no_log or with truncate_only if the database has offline pages.
Running dump transaction database_name to before fully dumping a newly created databases:
This database has not been dumped since it was created or upgraded or a transaction dump may have been loaded using the UNTIL_TIME clause. You must perform a DUMP DATABASE before you can dump its transaction log.
Using dump transaction database_name to once you have performed a minimally logged operation in the database:
Dump transaction is not allowed because a non-logged operation was performed on the database. Dump your database or use dump transaction with truncate_only until you can dump your database.
See Fully Recoverable DDL and dump transaction for more information.
Using dump transaction database_name to after you have performed dump transaction with truncate_only:
DUMP TRANsaction to a dump device is not allowed where a truncate-only transaction dump has been performed after the last DUMP DATABASE. Use DUMP DATABASE instead.
When you use the with no_truncate option in your dump transaction database_name to dump_file command, however, the SAP ASE server does not perform a check of the database and thus does not return any of these error messages. The SAP ASE server assumes that your database has some lost data (for example, from a failed disk) and is therefore inaccessible.
Specified file 'dump device' is out of sequence. Current timestamp is <X> while dump was from <Y>.