A cursor result set is generated as the rows are returned through a fetch of that cursor. This means that a cursor select query is processed like a normal select query. This process, known as a cursor scan, provides a faster turnaround time and eliminates the need to read rows that are not required by the application.
Cursor result set rows may not reflect the values in the actual base table rows. For example, a cursor declared with an order by clause usually requires the creation of an internal table to order the rows for the cursor result set. The SAP ASE server does not lock the rows in the base table that correspond to the rows in the internal table, which permits other clients to update these base table rows. In this case, the rows returned to the client from the cursor result set are not in sync with the base table rows.
A restriction of cursor scans is that they can only use the unique indexes of a table. However, if none of the base tables referenced by the cursor result set are updated by another process in the same lock space as the cursor, the restriction is unnecessary. The SAP ASE server allows the declaration of cursors on tables without unique indexes, but any attempt to update those tables in the same lock space closes all cursors on the tables.