Considerations for creating tables with encrypted columns.
int, smallint, tinyint
unsigned int, unsigned smallint, unsigned tinyint
bigint, unsigned bigint
decimal, numeric
float4, float8
money, smallmoney
date, time, smalldatetime, datetime, bigdatetime
char, varchar
unichar, univarchar
binary, varbinary
The underlying datatype of encrypted data on disk is varbinary. Null values are not encrypted.
Specify a computed column based on an expression that references one or more encrypted columns.
Use the encrypt and compute parameters on the same column.
List an encrypted column in the partition clause
During create table, alter table, and select into operations, the SAP ASE server calculates the maximum internal length of the encrypted column. The database owner must know the maximum length of the encrypted columns before he or she can make decisions about schema arrangements and page sizes.
You can create an index on an encrypted column if you specify the encryption key without any initialization vector or random padding. Adpative Server issues an error if you execute create index on an encrypted column with an initialization vector or random padding.
Both referencing and referenced columns are encrypted.
The key you use to encrypt the columns specifies init_vector null and you have not specified pad random.
You cannot encrypt a computed column, and an encrypted column cannot appear in the expression defining a computed column. You cannot specify an encrypted column in the partition_clause of create table.
See Encrypted Data in the Encrypted Columns Users Guide.