alter table

Makes changes to existing tables.

  • Adds new columns to a table; drops or modifies existing columns; adds, changes, or drops constraints; changes properties of an existing table; enables or disables triggers on a table, changes the compression level of a table.

  • Supports adding, dropping, and modifying computed columns, and enables the materialized property, nullability, or definition of an existing computed column to be changed.

  • Partitions and repartitions a table with specified partition strategy, adds partitions to a table with existing partitions, and splits or merges existing partitions.


alter table [[database.][owner].]table_name
	{add column_name datatype}
		[default {constant_expression | user | null}]
		{identity | null | not null [not materialized]} 
		[off row | in row]
		[[constraint constraint_name]
		{{unique | primary key}
			[clustered | nonclustered]
			[asc | desc]
			[with {fillfactor = pct,
				max_rows_per_page = num_rows,
				reservepagegap = num_pages
			[on segment_name]
		| references [[database.][owner].]ref_table 
			[match full]
		| check (search_condition)]
		[encrypt [with [[database.][owner].] keyname]
			[decrypt_default {constant_expression | null}]]
		[compressed = compression_level | not compressed]
		[, next_column]...
	| add [constraint constraint_name]
		{unique | primary key}
			[clustered | nonclustered]
			 (column_name [asc | desc]	[, column_name [asc | desc]...])
			[with {fillfactor = pct,
				max_rows_per_page = num_rows, 
				reservepagegap = num_pages}]
			[on segment_name]
		| foreign key (column_name [{, column_name}...])
			references [[database.][owner].]ref_table
			[(ref_column [{, ref_column}...])]
		[match full]
	| add lob-colname { text | image | unitext }
		[null] [ in row [ (length) ] ]
	| check (search_condition)}
    | set {  [ dml_logging = {full | minimal | default}]
           | [,compression = {NONE | PAGE | ROW | ALL} ] 
           | [,index_compression = {NONE | PAGE} ]
           | [,"erase residual data" (on | off) ]
		[lob_compression = off | compression_level]
	| drop {column_name [, column_name]... 
		| constraint constraint_name}
	| modify column_name 	
		[datatype [null | not null]]
		[[[encrypt [with keyname] [decrypt_default [value]]
			| decrypt
		[[not] compressed]
		[compressed = compression_level | not compressed]
		| modify lob-column [ in row (length)]
				[, next_column]...
	| replace column_name
		default {constant_expression | user | null}
		| decrypt_default {constant_expression | null}
		| drop decrypt_default	|
	lock {allpages | datarows | datapages} }
	| with exp_row_size=num_bytes
		| transfer table [on | off] 
		| no datacopy}
	| partition number_of_partitions
	| unpartition
	| partition_clause
	| add_partition_clause
alter table syntax for partitions:
	partition by range (column_name[, column_name]...) 
		 ([partition_name] values <= ({constant | MAX} 
			[, {constant | MAX}] ...) [on segment_name] 
			[compression_clause] [on segment_name]
			[, [partition_name] values <= ({constant | MAX} 
				[, {constant | MAX}] ...) [on segment_name]]...)

	| partition by hash (column_name[, column_name]...)
		{ (partition_name [on segment_name] 
			[, partition_name [on segment_name]]...) 
			[compression_clause] [on segment_name]
		| number_of_partitions 
			[on (segment_name[, segment_name] ...)]} 

	| partition by list (column_name) 
		 ([partition_name] values (constant[, constant] ...) 
			[on segment_name] 
			[compression_clause] [on segment_name]
			[, [partition_name] values (constant[, constant] ...) 
				[on segment_name]] ...)

	| partition by roundrobin 
		{ (partition_name [on segment_name] 
			[, partition_name [on segment_name]]...) 
			[compression_clause] [on segment_name]
		| number_of_partitions 
			[on (segment_name [, segment_name]...)]}

	add partition 
		{ ([partition_name] values <= ({constant | MAX} 
			[, {constant | MAX}]...) 
			[on segment_name] 
			[compression_clause] [on segment_name]
			[, [partition_name ] values <= ({constant | MAX} 
				[, {constant | MAX}] ...) 
				[on segment_name]]...) 
		| modify partition {partition_name [, partition_name . . .] }
		set compression [= {default | none | row | page}]
        set index_compression [= {none | page} ] 

		| ([partition_name] values (constant[, constant] ...) 
			[on segment_name] 
			[, [partition_name] values (constant[, constant] ...) 
				[on segment_name]] ...)} 
alter table syntax for computed columns:
alter table 
	add column_name {compute | as}
			[materialized | not materialized]
	drop column_name 
	modify column_name {null | not null | 
		{materialized | not materialized} [null | not null] | 
		{compute | as} computed_column_expression 
			[materialized | not materialized]
			[null | not null]}
alter table syntax for dropping, splitting, merging, and moving partitions:
alter table table_name 
	drop partition partition_name [, partition_name]...
	split partition partition_name
	merge partition  {partition_name  [{, partition_name}…]} 
		into destination_partition_name [on segment_name]
	move partition partition_name  [{, partition_name}…]
		to destination_segment_name




See also sp_chgattribute, sp_help, sp_helpartition, sp_rename in Reference Manual: Procedures.


ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.

See System and User-Defined Datatypes in Reference Manual: Building Blocks for datatype compliance information.


The permission checks for alter table differ based on your granular permissions settings.


With granular permissions enabled, you must be the table owner or a user with alter any table privilege. A user with setuser privilege can impersonate the table owner by executing the setuser command.


With granular permissions disabled, you must be the table owner or a user with sa_role. The database owner can impersonate the table owner by running the setuser command


Values in event and extrainfo columns of sysaudits are:



Audit option


Command or access audited

alter table

Information in extrainfo
  • Roles – current active roles

  • Keywords or optionsadd column, drop column, modify column, replace column, add constraint, or drop constraint

  • Previous value – NULL

  • Current value – NULL

  • Other information – NULL

  • Proxy information – original login name, if a set proxy is in effect

  • If the set option for set transfer table [on | off] is:
    • on – the SAP ASE server prints SET TRANSFER TABLE ON in the extra info in the audit record.

    • off – the SAP ASE server prints SET TRANSFER TABLE OFF.

Related reference
create index
create table
drop database
dump transaction