Considerations when encrypting or decrypting databases.
- Database encryption occurs while the database is running. This means the
database is accessible by other users while it is being encrypted; you need
not put it into single-user mode.
- The encryption process does not interrupt user queries, updates, or insert
operations on the database.
- You can suspend and resume database encryption, so that you can resume
encrypting the database after restarting SAP ASE.
- The encryption operation is not transactional.
- You can alter both archive and temporary databases for encryption and
- SAP ASE records the encryption progress of a database and provides utilities
to report its status.
The command fails if:
- You use it on a database that is already encrypted.
- You use it on a database that is being encrypted. If you use this command on
a partially encrypted database, but there is no encryption process running
in SAP ASE, the command resumes encryption from the location where it was
last suspended as long as you use the same database encryption key name in
your previous command to encrypt the database.
- You cannot encrypt the master and model
- You cannot decrypt a database that is being encrypted, or encrypt a database
that is being decrypted.
- You cannot drop or unmount a database when it is being encrypted.
- You cannot load another database on top of a database that is being
- You cannot back up (dump) a database while a database is being