Syntax Errors and Access Rule Violations

Syntax errors are generated by SQL statements that contain unterminated comments, implicit datatype conversions not supported by the SAP ASE server or other incorrect syntax.

Access rule violations are generated when users try to access an object that does not exist or one for which they do not have the correct permissions.

Message Value Description

command permission denied on object object_name, database database_name, owner owner_name.


Occurs when a user tries to access an object for which he or she does not have the proper permissions.

Implicit conversion from datatype ‘datatype’ to ‘datatype’ is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.


Occurs when the user attempts to convert one datatype to another but the SAP ASE server cannot do the conversion implicitly.

Incorrect syntax near object_name.


Occurs when incorrect SQL syntax is found near the object specified.

Insert error: column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.


Occurs during inserts when an invalid column name is used or when an incorrect number of values is inserted.

Missing end comment mark ‘*/’.


Occurs when a comment that begins with the /* opening delimiter does not also have the */ closing delimiter.

object_name not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).


Occurs when a user tries to reference an object that he or she does not own. When referencing an object owned by another user, be sure to qualify the object name with the name of its owner.

The size (size) given to the object_name exceeds the maximum. The largest size allowed is size.


Occurs when:
  • The total size of all the columns in a table definition exceeds the maximum allowed row size.

  • The size of a single column or parameter exceeds the maximum allowed for its datatype.