The SAP ASE server includes entry-level ANSI SQL features. Full ANSI SQL implementation includes the words listed in the following tables as command syntax.
Upgrading identifiers can be a complex process; therefore, we are providing this list for your convenience. The publication of this information does not commit SAP to providing all of these ANSI SQL features in subsequent releases. In addition, subsequent releases may include keywords not included in this list.
ANSI SQL keywords that are not reserved words in Transact-SQL are:
Words | |
A | absolute, action, allocate, are, assertion |
B | bit, bit_length, both |
C | cascaded, case, cast, catalog, char, char_length, character, character_length, coalesce, collate, collation, column, connection, constraints, corresponding, cross, current_date, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user |
D | date, day, dec, decimal, deferrable, deferred, describe, descriptor, diagnostics, disconnect, domain |
E | end-exec, exception, extract |
F | false, first, float, found, full |
G | get, global, go |
H | hour |
I | immediate, indicator, initially, inner, input, insensitive, int, integer, interval |
J | join |
L | language, last, leading, left, local, lower |
M | match, minute, module, month |
N | names, natural, nchar, next, no, nullif, numeric |
O | octet_length, outer, output, overlaps |
P | pad, partial, position, preserve, prior |
R | real, relative, restrict, right |
S | scroll, second, section, semi_sensitive, session_user , size , smallint, space, sql, sqlcode, sqlerror, sqlstate, substring, system_user |
T | then, time, timestamp, timezone_hour, timezone_minute, trailing, translate, translation, trim, true |
U | unknown, upper, usage |
V | value, varchar |
W | when, whenever, write, year |
Z | zone |