These words are reserved by the SAP ASE server as keywords (part of SQL command syntax).
You cannot use these words as names of database objects such as databases, tables, rules, or defaults. They can be used as names of local variables and as stored procedure parameter names.
To find the names of existing objects that are reserved words, use sp_checkreswords in Reference Manual: Procedures.
Words | |
A | add, all, alter, and, any, arith_overflow, as, asc, at, authorization, avg |
B | begin, between, break, browse, bulk, by |
C | cascade, case, char_convert, check, checkpoint, close, clustered, coalesce, commit, compressed, compute, confirm, connect, constraint, continue, controlrow, convert, count, count_big, create, current, cursor |
D | database, dbcc, deallocate, declare, decrypt, decrypt_default, default, delete, desc, deterministic, disk, distinct, drop, dual_control, dummy, dump |
E | else, encrypt, end, endtran, errlvl, errordata, errorexit, escape, except, exclusive, exec, execute, exists, exit, exp_row_size, external |
F | fetch, fillfactor, for, foreign, from |
G | goto, grant, group |
H | having, holdlock |
I | identity, identity_gap, identity_start, if, in, index, inout, insensitive, insert, install, intersect, into, is, isolation |
J | jar, join |
K | key, kill |
L | level, like, lineno, load, lob_compression, lock |
M | manage, materialized, max, max_rows_per_page, min, mirror, mirrorexit, modify |
N | national, new, noholdlock, nonclustered, not, null, nullif, numeric_truncation Note:
Although “new” is not a Transact-SQL reserved word, since it may become a reserved
word in the future, you should avoid using it (for example, to name a database
object). “New” is a special case because it appears in the
spt_values table, and because sp_checkreswords
displays “New” as a reserved word.
O | of, off, offsets, on, once, online, only, open, option, or, order, out, output, over |
P | partition, perm, permanent, plan, prepare, primary, print, privileges, proc, procedure, processexit, proxy_table, public |
Q | quiesce |
R | raiserror, read, readpast, readtext, reconfigure, references, release_locks_on_close, remove, reorg, replace, replication, reservepagegap, return, returns, revoke, role, rollback, rowcount, rows, rule |
S | save, schema, scroll, select, semi_sensitive, set, setuser, shared, shutdown, some, statistics, stringsize, stripe, sum, syb_identity, syb_restree, syb_terminate |
T | table, temp, temporary, textsize, to, tracefile, tran, transaction, trigger, truncate, tsequal |
U | union, unique, unpartition, update, use, user, user_option, using |
V | values, varying, view |
W | waitfor, when, where, while, with, work, writetext |
X | xmlextract, xmlparse, xmltable, xmltest |