(UNIX only) Sends a message to a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port.
syb_sendmsg ip_address, port_number, message
select syb_sendmsg("", 3456, "Hello")
declare @msg varchar(255) select @msg = "Message to send" select syb_sendmsg (ip_address, portnum, @msg) from sendports where username = user_name()
To enable the use of UDP messaging, a System Security Officer must set the configuration parameter allow sendmsg to 1.
No security checks are performed with syb_sendmsg. We strongly recommend that you not use syb_sendmsg to send sensitive information across the network. By enabling this functionality, the user accepts any security problems that result from its use.
For a sample C program that creates a UDP port, see sp_sendmsg.
See also sp_sendmsg in Reference Manual: Procedures
ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.
Any user can execute syb_sendmsg.