Display Formats for bigdatetime and bigtime

For bigdatetime and bigtime the value displays reflects a microsecond value. bigdatetime and bigtime have default display formats that accomodate their increased precision.

The format for time must be specified as: Use 12 AM for midnight and 12 PM for noon. A bigtime value must contain either a colon or an AM or PM signifier. AM or PM can be entered in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.

The seconds specification can include either a decimal portion preceded by a point or a number of milliseconds preceded by a colon. For example, “12:30:20:1” means twenty seconds and one millisecond past 12:30; “12:30:20.1” means twenty and one-tenth of a second past.

To store a bigdatetime or bigtime time value that includes microseconds, specify a string literal using a point. “00:00:00.1” means one tenth of a second past midnight and “00:00:00.000001” means one millionth of a second past midnight. Any value after the colon specifying fractional seconds continues to refer to a number of milliseconds. Such as “00:00:00:5” means 5 milliseconds.