You must specify the time component of a datetime, smalldatetime, or time value.
hours[:minutes[:seconds[:milliseconds]] [AM | PM]
hours[:minutes[:seconds[.microseconds]] [AM | PM]
Use 12AM for midnight and 12PM for noon.
A time value must contain either a colon or an AM or PM signifier. The AM or PM can be entered in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.
The seconds specification can include either a decimal portion preceded by a decimal point, or a number of milliseconds preceded by a colon. For example, “15:30:20:1” means twenty seconds and one millisecond past 3:30 PM; “15:30:20.1” means twenty and one-tenth of a second past 3:30 PM. Microseconds must be expressed with a decimal point.
If you omit the time portion of a datetime or smalldatetime value, SAP ASE uses the default time of 12:00:00:000AM.