Identifies a binary value as a locator literal.
locator_literal(locator_type, literal_locator)
is the type of locator. One of text_locator, image_locator, or unitext_locator.
is the actual binary value of a LOB locator.
This example inserts an image LOB that is stored in memory and identified by its locator in the imagecol column of my_table. Use of the locator_literal function ensures that Adaptive Server correctly interprets the binary value as a LOB locator.
insert my_table (imagecol) values (locator_literal(image_locator, 0x9067ef4501000000001000000040100400800000000)
Use locator_literal to ensure that Adaptive Server correctly identifies the literal locator value and does not misinterpret it as an image or other binary.
Any user can execute locator_literal.
Commands deallocate locator, truncate lob
Transact-SQL functions locator_valid, return_lob, create_locator