Example: sending an RPC command

The following code fragment illustrates sending an RPC command with Client-Library. The fragment invokes an Adaptive Server Enterprise stored procedure rpctest:

create procedure rpctest
         (@param1 int out,
          @param2 int out,
          @param3 int out,
          @param4 int)
         select "rpctest is running."
         select @param1 = 11
         select @param2 = 22
         select @param3 = 33
         select @param1
         return 123

The following code invokes rpctest from a Client-Library client. This fragment is from the ex08ct.c migration sample program.

  CS_COMMAND *cmd;

  ... connection has been opened ...

  ** Allocate a command structure. 
  ret = ct_cmd_alloc(conn, &cmd);
  EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "Could not allocate command structure.");  /*
  -- * Make the rpc. *
  -- if (dbrpcinit(dbproc, "rpctest", (DBSMALLINT)0) == FAIL)
  -- {
  --   printf("dbrpcinit failed.\n");
  --   dbexit();
  --   exit(ERREXIT);
  -- }
  */  /*
  ** Initiate an RPC command. In Client-Library ct_command is used for 
  ** language commands (dbsqlexec or dbsqlsend commands in DB-Library), 
  ** RPC commands (dbrpcinit), and text/image "send-data" commands 
  ** (dbwritetext).

  ret = ct_command(cmd, CS_RPC_CMD, "rpctest", CS_NULLTERM, CS_UNUSED);
  EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "Could not initiate RPC command.");  /*
  ** Pass a value for each RPC parameter with ct_param. In this case,
  ** the required RPC parameters are the parameters in the definition of 
  ** the rpctest stored procedure.
  ** The parameter’s name, datatype, and status (input-only or output) 
  ** are passed within a CS_DATAFMT structure.
  */  /*
  -- if (dbrpcparam
  --       (dbproc, "@param1", (BYTE)DBRPCRETURN, 
  --        SYBINT4, -1, -1, &param1)
  --   == FAIL)
  -- {
  --   printf("dbrpcparam failed.\n");
  --   dbexit();
  --   exit(ERREXIT);
  -- }
  */  /* 
  ** @param1 is integer (CS_INT) and is a return parameter.
  ** The datafmt.status field must be set to indicate whether
  ** each parameter is ’for output’ (CS_RETURN) or not 
  */  datafmt.datatype = CS_INT_TYPE;
  datafmt.maxlength = CS_UNUSED;
  datafmt.status = CS_RETURN;
  strcpy(datafmt.name, "@param1");
  datafmt.namelen = strlen(datafmt.name);  ret = ct_param(cmd, &datafmt,
  (CS_VOID *) (paramvals+1), 
                 CS_UNUSED, 0);
  EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "ct_param() for @param1 failed.");  /*
  -- if (dbrpcparam(dbproc, "@param2", (BYTE)0, SYBINT4, 
  --                -1, -1, &param2)
  --    == FAIL)
  -- {
  --   printf("dbrpcparam failed.\n");
  --   dbexit();
  --   exit(ERREXIT);
  -- }
  */  /*
  ** @param2 is integer (CS_INT) and is not a return parameter.
  datafmt.datatype = CS_INT_TYPE;
  datafmt.maxlength = CS_UNUSED;
  datafmt.status = CS_INPUTVALUE;         
  strcpy(datafmt.name, "@param2");
  datafmt.namelen = strlen(datafmt.name);  ret = ct_param(cmd, &datafmt,
  (CS_VOID *) (paramvals+2), 
                 CS_UNUSED, 0);
  EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "ct_param() for @param2 failed.");  /*
  -- if (dbrpcparam
  --        (dbproc, "@param3", (BYTE)DBRPCRETURN, SYBINT4, 
  --         -1, -1, &param3)
  --    == FAIL)
  -- {
  --   printf("dbrpcparam failed.\n");
  --   dbexit();
  --   exit(ERREXIT);
  -- }
  */  /* 
  ** @param3 is integer (CS_INT) and is a return parameter.

  datafmt.datatype = CS_INT_TYPE;
  datafmt.maxlength = CS_UNUSED;           
  datafmt.status = CS_RETURN;
  strcpy(datafmt.name, "@param3");
  datafmt.namelen = strlen(datafmt.name);  ret = ct_param(cmd, &datafmt,
  (CS_VOID *) (paramvals+3), 
                 CS_UNUSED, 0);
  EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "ct_param() for @param3 failed.");  /*
  -- if (dbrpcparam(dbproc, "@param4", (BYTE)0, SYBINT4,
  --                -1, -1, &param4)
  --    == FAIL)
  -- {
  --   printf("dbrpcparam failed.\n");
  --   dbexit();
  --   exit(ERREXIT);
  -- }
  */  /*
  ** @param4 is integer (CS_INT) and is not a return parameter.
  datafmt.datatype = CS_INT_TYPE;
  datafmt.maxlength = CS_UNUSED;
  datafmt.status = CS_INPUTVALUE;
  strcpy(datafmt.name, "@param4");
  datafmt.namelen = strlen(datafmt.name);  ret = ct_param(cmd, &datafmt,
  (CS_VOID *) (paramvals+4), 
                 CS_UNUSED, 0);
  EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "ct_param() for @param4 failed.");  /*
  -- if (dbrpcsend(dbproc) == FAIL)
  -- {
  --   printf("dbrpcsend failed.\n");
  --   dbexit();
  --   exit(ERREXIT);
  -- }
  */  /*
  ** Send the command to the server. The ct_send routine sends
  ** any kind of command, not just RPC commands.
  ret = ct_send(cmd);
  EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "ct_send() failed.");  

  ... deleted results processing code ...