If you choose to use it, set up multipathing before you install SAP ASE.
On AIX, multiple path I/O (MPIO) is installed and configured as part of the IBM base operating system (BOS) installation. No further configuration is required, but you can add, remove, reconfigure, enable, and disable devices (or device paths) using SMIT, Web-based System Manager, or the command line interface.
By default, MPIO is enabled on all disks and LUNs (logical unit numbers) that have this capability, which prevents third-party multipathing drivers (such as Veritas DMP or EMC PowerPath) from managing the paths to such devices. To allow a third-party multipathing driver to manage multipathing instead of MPIO, install suitable object data manager (ODM) definitions for the devices on the host.
The /dev/rhdiskN devices are persistent; use these device names to access the multipathed devices.