interpubs database is
similar to pubs2, and contains French
and German data.
Back up the original installintpubs script, in case you experience problems
with the edited script.
Set your terminal to display 8-bit characters.
Verify that iso_1, iso_15, Roman8,
Roman 9, or UTF-8 is installed as either the default character
set or as an additional character set.
The interpubs database contains 8-bit characters
and is available for use at SAP ASE installations using the ISO 8859-1
(iso_1), ISO 8859-15 (iso_15), Roman 8, or Roman9 (for HP-UX) character
Determine the type (raw partition, logical volume, operating
system file, and so on) and location of the device where you will
be storing the interpubs database. You will
need to provide this information later.
Execute the script, using the -J flag
to ensure that the database is installed with the correct character