Configuring libtcl.cfg for LDAP

Use the libtcl.cfg file to specify an LDAP server name, port number, directory information tree (DIT) base, user name, and password to connect to an LDAP server.

When you specify an LDAP server in the libtcl.cfg file, the server information becomes accessible only from the LDAP server; the interfaces file is ignored. Open Client and Open Server applications that use the -I option at start-up override the libtcl.cfg file and use the interfaces file. See the Configuration Guide for UNIX.

  1. Configure the libtcl.cfg file to use directory services, using any standard ASCII text editor:
    • Remove the semicolon (;) comment markers from the beginning of the LDAP URL lines in the libtcl.cfg file under the [DIRECTORY] entry.
    • Add the LDAP URL under the [DIRECTORY] entry. See the Configuration Guide for UNIX for supported LDAP URL values.
    In its simplest form on 32-bit LDAP drivers, the libtcl.cfg file is in this format:
    Warning!  Ensure that the LDAP URL is on a single line.

    For example (entry shown on multiple lines only for readability):

    Note: On Windows x64, the .dll file is called libsybdldap64.dll.
  2. Verify that the appropriate environment variable points to the required third-party libraries. The Netscape LDAP SDK libraries are in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\dll.
    The Windows PATH environment variable must include this directory.