Installing a New License Server

Before installing a new license server ensure that your system is updated with the correct operating system patches for your platform.

  1. To install the SySAM Suite using the GUI tool, launch the executable file and follow these steps.
  2. To install the SySAM utility and license server separately follow these substeps:
    1. If a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 is not in the PATH, add it to the %PATH%.
      set PATH=<JRE 1.6>\bin;%PATH%
    2. Launch the SySAM Utility installer program from command prompt in the CD drive. Enter:
    3. Launch the SySAM License Server installer program from command prompt in the CD drive. Enter:
  3. The Welcome Window displays. Click Next.
  4. Select the most appropriate country from the drop-down list.
  5. Accept the license agreement.
  6. Enter or select the destination directory.
  7. Select Typical Installation Set.
  8. Click Next to see the summary.
  9. View the panel that reports installation success or failure.
  10. Start the license server.
    Note: The license server cannot be started until there is at least one valid served license installed in the licenses directory located at %SYBASE%\SYSAM-2_0\licenses .
  11. If you plan to use sub-capacity licensing see the SySAM Users Guide for information on how to configure the sysamcap utility.
  12. Obtain the host ID for the machine on which you run the license server. For information on how to generate the host ID, see Getting your host ID.
  13. Go to the Sybase Product Download Center (SPDC).
  14. Generate the licenses for the products you want to install. For instructions on generating your licenses, see the Generating licenses at SPDC topic.
  15. Copy the license file in the %SYBASE%\%SYSAM-2_0\licenses directory on the network license server machine.
  16. Refresh or restart the license server:

    1. Change to:


    2. If the license server is not already started, start it, by entering:

      sysam start

      If the license server is already started, use the reread command to make the license server read the new license files:

      sysam reread
  17. Refresh or restart the license server:
  18. Validate that the license daemon is running by entering:
    sysam status

    You can expect to see output for a running server that is similar to:

    > sysam start
    Starting the SYSAM service
    The SYSAM service is starting.
    The SYSAM service was started successfully.
  19. Validate that the license daemon is running by entering:
    sysam status

    You can expect to see output for a running server that is similar to:

    Starting the SYSAM service
    The SYSAM service is starting.
    SThe SYSAM service was started successfully.
    lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe
    Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights
    Reserved. Flexible License Manager status on Wed
    5/24/2006 15:04
    License server status: 27000@mysysamserver
    License file(s) on keyserver:
  20. The SySAM License Server installer installs both IPv4 and IPv4/IPv6 dual stack License Server binaries during installation and configures use of IPv4 only binaries. You can use the SySAM script to configure the appropriate version of the license server:
    sysam configure [IPv6|IPv4] 
    For example, this command configures use of the IPv4/IPv6 dual stack binaries:
    sysam configure IPv6
  21. The IPv4 version of the license server cannot be used properly if you have enabled IPv6 on the license server host. If this is the case, you can:
    • Disable IPv6 TCP/IP protocol on the license server host.
    • Use another Windows host that does not have IPv6 enabled.
    • Use a UNIX host for the license server. License Servers on UNIX are able to serve licenses to both IPv4 and IPv6 client hosts.
    • If you must use a Windows host for the License Server and have both IPv4 and IPv6 clients on the license server, setup two License Servers, one serving the IPv4 network and the other serving the IPv6 network.

    If you are using the IPv6 version of the license server on a Windows host, then this license server can be accessed only through IPv6 protocol. Any host with an IPv4 only network stack will not be able to obtain licenses from this IPv6 license server.

    If you start the SySAM server from Windows services in Windows 7.0, Vista, or Windows 2008, the server starts successfully without any extra steps.