Adding a security driver to libtcl.cfg:
Determine the value of provider, which is the local name of the security mechanism, as listed in the object identifiers file, $SYBASE/config/objectid.dat. The default local name for Kerberos is csfkrb5.
Determine the value of driver, which varies by platform and security mechanism. (Table B-2 lists driver names.)
Determine the value of init-string.
For the Kerberos driver, init-string has the following form:
secbase=@realmname [libgss=<gss api V1 compatible library>]
realmname is the default realm name for unqualified CyberSafe user names.
(Optional) libgss is the full path to a GSS API version 1 compliant library.
Go to the [SECURITY] section and add an entry using the following format:
provider=driver init-string
For example: secbase=@ASE libgss=/krb5/lib/