Client-Library and Server-Library applications can use a security mechanism to perform authentication and per-packet security services. The security mechanism behaves like a clearinghouse through which Client-Library and Server-Library validate information.
If an Open Client application requests authentication services the following occurs:
Client-Library validates the login with the security mechanism. The security mechanism returns a login token, which Client-Library sends to the server, along with information about what security services are requested.
Client-Library establishes a transport connection with the Open Server application and sends its login token.
Server-Library authenticates the client’s login token with the security mechanism. If the login is valid, the server application allows the login.
If an Open Client application requests per-packet security services, the following occurs:
Client-Library uses the security mechanism to prepare the data packet it will send to the Open Server application. Depending on which security services are requested, the security mechanism encrypts the data or creates a cryptographic signature associated with the data.
Client-Library sends the data packet to the Open Server application.
When Open Server receives the data packet, it uses the security mechanism to perform any required decryption and validation.
Refer to the “Security Features” topics page in the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual for a detailed explanation of Client-Library’s security features.