After you have successfully imported the schema into the Active Directory, create a container for the Sybase server entries and set appropriate read and write permissions for the container and its child objects.
For example, A container with a relative distinguished name (RDN) “CN=SybaseServers” is created in the root of the Active Directory for domain “” to store and retrieve Sybase server entries. The root distinguished name (rootDN) for this container is reflected in the libtcl.cfg file as:
ldap=libsybdldap.dll ldap://localhost:389/ cn=SybaseServers,dc=mycompany,dc=com??...
If you create a dedicated user account name “Manager” with password “secret” in the Active Directory to add and modify Sybase server entries, the complete entry in the libtcl.cfg file is:
ldap=libsybdldap.dll ldap://localhost:389/cn=SybaseServers,dc=mycompany, dc=com????bindname=cn=Manager,cn=Users,dc=mycompay, dc=com?secret
After setting the appropriate read and write permissions, you can use Sybase utility programs such as dscp or dsedit to store, view, and modify Sybase server entries in the Active Directory.
For more information about extending an Active Directory
schema, search for “Extending the Schema” on the
Microsoft Web site.