Security service initialization syntax

Open Client and Open Server support the Kerberos security driver. To use the Kerberos security driver, perform one of the following:

Using the ocscfg utility

To use ocscfg, navigate to the Security Services tab and click Add. Complete the dialog box:

When you have entered these two items, click OK. The entry should now appear in the dialog box on the Security Services tab.

Editing libtcl.cfg

If you prefer to edit the libtcl.cfg file directly, set the provider value for the Kerberos security driver to csfkrb5, or to the value you assigned to the Kerberos security driver in the objectid.dat file. Set the driver value to LIBSYBSKRB. You need to provide an initialization string in the libtcl.cfg of the form:


where your_realm_name is the realm where your Kerberos principal is located. This entry is required on Microsoft Windows. For example:


See Appendix C, “Localization,” for information on the objectid.dat localization file.