Database setup worksheet

Make a copy of this worksheet for each database you add to the replication system. Complete the worksheet as you read Chapter 1, “Preparing to Install and Configure Replication Server.” Refer to the information on the worksheet when you use rs_init to add the database to your replication system.

Required worksheet items are marked with an asterisk (*). rs_init has default values for items that are not marked. To use the default values, leave the unmarked field blank and fill it on the worksheet when you run rs_init.

Replication Server information

Replication Server name:*

RS SA user:*

RS SA password:*

Replication Server interfaces information

Network driver:* ____ Windows Sockets ____ Named Pipes ____ IPX/SPX

Connection information:*

Database information

Adaptive Server name:*

SA user:

SA password:

Database name:

Will the database be replicated?*



Maintenance user:

Maintenance password:

Is this a physical connection for an existing logical connection?



Logical connection information

Complete if you selected Yes for “Is this a physical connection for an existing logical connection?”

Is this an active connection or a standby connection?*



Logical DS name:*

Logical DB name:*

Complete the rest of the items in this section only if you selected “Standby” in response to “Is this an active connection or standby connection?”

Active DS name:*

Active DB name:*

Active DB SA user:*

Active DB SA password:*

Initialize standby using dump and load?*



Use dump marker to start replicating to standby?*



Complete the following three sections if you selected Yes for “Will the database be replicated?”

Database RepAgent information

RS user:

RS password: