Applications call ct_con_props to set directory service properties for a connection. Applications most commonly set the following properties to control a directory search:
CS_DS_DITBASE – specifies the node in the directory where the search begins. DIT-base values must follow the syntax rules of the directory service. See the “Directory Services” topics page in the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual for example DIT-base values.
CS_DS_SEARCH – constrains the depth that the search descends beneath the DIT base. The possible values of CS_DS_SEARCH are as follows:
Value |
Meaning |
Search includes only the leaf entries that are immediate descendants of the node specified by CS_DS_DITBASE. |
Search the entire subtree whose root is specified by CS_DS_DITBASE. |
The DCE directory driver
does not allow CS_DS_SEARCH to
be set to a value other than the default, CS_SEARCH_ONE_LEVEL.
All directory service properties have a symbolic name that begins with “CS_DS”. See the “Properties” topics page in the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual for a complete list of Client-Library properties.