The program structure for processing scrollable cursor results is similar to that for regular cursors. The key difference is that ct_scroll_fetch returns CS_SCROLL_CURSOR ENDS when you use the CS_FALSE option. This is indicated as follows:
end while
switch on ct_scroll_fetch’s final return code
end switch
if cursor was closed
break out of outer ct_results loop
end if
end case
ct_scroll_fetch never
returns CS_END_DATA as
a valid return.
A warning message is generated if certain sequences
of operations cause the cursor to move beyond the resultset boundary.
Examples of this are the sequential use of CS_PREV, CS_NEXT, CS_ABSOLUTE or CS_RELATIVE calls,
with offsets of such magnitude (relative to the current cursor position), that
the cursor moves beyond the resultset boundary. The warning messages does
not indicate that an error has occurred. See the Open
Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual.