CS_IODESC structure

A CS_IODESC, also called an “I/O descriptor structure,” describes text or image data.

An Open Server application calls srv_text_info with a cmd argument of CS_GET when processing text or image data from a client. Only the total_textlen field of the CS_IODESC argument is filled in by this call.

If the application is sending columns of data to a client, it calls srv_text_info with a cmd argument of CS_SET. In this scenario, the CS_IODESC structure describes a text or image column being sent. A CS_IODESC is defined as follows:

typedef struct _cs_iodesc
      CS_INT    iotype;                  /* CS_IODATA           */
      CS_INT    datatype;                /* Text or image.      */
      CS_LOCALE *locale;                 /* Locale information. */
      CS_INT    usertype;                /* User-defined type.  */
      CS_INT    total_txtlen;            /* Total data length.  */
      CS_INT    offset;                  /* Reserved.           */
      CS_BOOL   log_on_update;           /* Log the insert.     */
      CS_CHAR   name[CS_OBJ_NAME];       /* Name of data object.*/
      CS_INT    namelen;                 /* Length of name.     */
      CS_BYTE   timestamp[CS_TS_SIZE];   /* Adaptive Server Enterprise id. */
      CS_INT    timestamplen;            /* Length of timestamp.*/
      CS_BYTE   textptr[CS_TP_SIZE];     /* Adaptive Server Enterprise pt  */
      CS_INT    textptrlen;              /* Length of textptr.  */
