TRS allows Sybase clients running on workstations and sharing a local area network (LAN) to access mainframe data and applications. The TRS listener waits for and accepts client requests and routes them to the mainframe, using transaction and connection information the DirectConnect for z/OS Option administrator provides during configuration.
TRS treats all client requests like remote procedure calls (RPCs), mapping each request to a specific mainframe transaction. When it receives a client request, TRS invokes the corresponding mainframe transaction. The transaction processor runs the transaction and returns results to TRS, which forwards the results to the requesting client.
For details, see the Mainframe Connect DirectConnect for z/OS Option Users Guide for Transaction Router Services.
The mainframe and TRS configuration parameters must be coordinated to permit communication with one another. When configuring a mainframe region to communicate with TRS, coordinate the following mainframe configuration values with TRS:
For LU 6.2:
MVS connection and session definitions
Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM)
Network Control Program (NCP)
SNA, using your TRS platform SNA support program
TCP/IP for z/OS port definitions
Sybase listener configuration values
The configuration values are provided in the Mainframe Connect DirectConnect for z/OS Option Users Guide for Transaction Router Services.
A Sybase network can also connect multiple clients and multiple servers, running in one or more MVS regions on one or more mainframes. MVS accepts simultaneous client requests through TRS and assigns them to host resources based on availability. MVS also provides transaction management services, including the handling of synchronization points, rollbacks, commits, and recovery.
Client applications can access the Server Option with TCP/IP in a three-tier environment by using IBM IMS Connect.