The options found under the TDS driver Connection dialog box will map to the options found under the ASE driver Advanced and General dialog boxes.
To map the TDS driver Connection options to the
ASE driver options
Copy the TDS driver Default Login Id to the ASE driver Login Id found in the General dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Workstation Id to the ASE driver Client Host Name found in the Advanced dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Application Name to the same named field found in the Advanced dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Charset to the ASE driver User Specified Character Set found in the Advanced dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Language to the same named field found in the Advanced dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Workstation Id to the ASE driver Client Host Name found in the Advanced dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Application Name to the same named field found in the Advanced dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Charset to the ASE driver User Specified Character Set found in the Advanced dialog box.
Copy the TDS driver Language to the same named field found in the Advanced dialog box.