Test the connectivity between TRS and the mainframe.
This section assumes that you have already installed
the SYM2 RPC.
Log in to TRS as “sa”:
isql -Strstcpservice -Usa -P
At the isql prompt, enter:
exec sgw_addregion region, “ipaddress”|hostname, “portnumber”
Any entry beginning with a number must be entered with
double quotes.
region is the name of the destination CICS region, or you can use ConnectionSpec3 from a service definition worksheet.
ipaddress|hostname is the IP address or the host name, the name that corresponds to the TCP/IP network host name, or you can use ConnectionSpec1 from a service definition worksheet.
portnumber is the port number, or you can use ConnectionSpec2 from a service definition worksheet.
Log in to TRS as “sa”:
isql -Strslu62service -Usa -P
At the isql prompt, enter:
exec sgw_addconn locallu, remotelu, snamode, “max_sessions”
Any entry beginning with a number must be entered with
double quotes.
locallu is the local logical unit (LU), or you can use ConnectionSpec1 from your worksheet.
remotelu is the name of the partner logical unit (PLU), or it can be the ConnectionSpec2 on your worksheet.
snamode is the mode name, or it can be ConnectionSpec3 from your worksheet.
max_sessions is the maximum number of sessions that can run concurrently over this connection.
This section describes how to define an RPC to execute in the defined region. The SYM2 transaction is a simple CICS transaction that simulates data and requires no external resources such as DB2 or VTAM.
At the isql prompt, enter:
exec sgw_addrpc SYM2, SYM2, CICSregion, security
sgw_addrpc is the RPC name.
SYM2 (1st occurrence) is the RPC name of the remote procedure.
SYM2 (2nd occurrence) is the transaction ID at the mainframe.
CICSregion is the CICS region name:
For TCP/IP, it must match the region name given in the sgw_addregion procedure.
For LU 6.2, it must match the remote lu parameter in the sgw_addcon procedure.
security is the type of login information TRS passes to the transaction processing region. Enter one of the following:
none – to indicate that no user IDs are passed to the mainframe for this test.
both – to send both user ID and password to the mainframe for this test.
userid – to send user ID to the mainframe for this test.
Enter the following at the isql prompt to run the SYM2 sample:
exec SYM2 a, 4
The output should be similar to the following:
(4 rows affected, return status = 0)
Sybase provides three scripts for you to use with CSPs:
15_0_addcat - adds the CSPs to TRS.
15_0_dropcat - drops the CSPs from TRS.
15_0_testcat - tests the CSPs (requires that the AMD2 transaction be installed at the mainframe).
The 15_0_addcat script executes the sgw_addrpc procedure automatically for each CSP. Before you run 15_0_addcat, modify the script to suit your installation.
Use your text editor to specify the value of these parameters:
region parameter – name of the region you want the CSPs to execute against.
security parameter – value you can change to meet the security requirements at your installation. If you do not change it, the value is none.
rpc_name parameter – name or value must be coordinated with any change to the RPC names with the mainframe system programmer. If you are using ODBC applications, do not change the RPC names.
tran_id parameter – value or name of this parameter must be coordinated with any change to the transaction ID with the mainframe system programmer.
After you edit the script to suit your installation, run the 15_0_addcat script as input to your TRS. The following isql example shows how to run the 15_0_addcat script with a TRS named “new_TRS”:
isql -Snew_TRS -Usa -P < 15_0_addcat
This script automatically executes the sgw_addrpc procedure for each CSP.
The 15_0_testcat script uses the AMD2 transaction to create temporary tables and execute each CSP. At least one row is returned for each CSP and the 15_0_testcat script then drops the temporary tables.
Run the 15_0_testcat script as input to your TRS. The following isql example shows how to run the 15_0_testcat script with a TRS named “new_TRS”:
isql -Snew_TRS -Usa -P < 15_0_testcat
This script automatically tests each of the CSPs.
The 15_0_dropcat script drops the CSPs from TRS. Run the 15_0_dropcat script as input to your TRS.
The following isql example shows how to run the 15_0_dropcat script with a TRS named “new_TRS”:
isql -Snew_TRS -Usa -P < 15_0_dropcat
This script automatically drops the CSPs.