

Specifies the parameters required to connect to an ODBC data source. InfoMaker uses these parameters to connect to the database.

Applies to


The ConnectString syntax displays on a single line. You must enclose the entire ConnectString in single quotes and separate parameters within the ConnectString with semicolons.

ConnectString='DSN=data_source_name; {UID=user_ID;
	PWD=password; driver_specific_parameters}'




A name that identifies the data source.


(Optional) The user ID required to connect to the data source.


(Optional) The password required by user_ID to connect to the data source.


(Optional) Any other driver-specific parameters required to connect.




InfoMaker generates the ConnectString automatically when you define an ODBC data source and copies it to the Preview box in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. This happens before you connect to the data source in InfoMaker.

Therefore, you do not have to enter the ConnectString yourself when defining an ODBC data source. However, you might need to edit the ConnectString value in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.

You can change the ConnectString parameter if necessary by editing it in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. For example, if you change the name of an existing ODBC data source, edit its database profile to update the connect string with the new DSN (data source name) value.


Example 1

This example shows how to define a connect string for an ODBC data source that contains the data source name (DSN=Sales), user ID (UID=dba), and password (PWD=sql). On the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select Sales from the Data Source drop-down list, select the User ID check box and type dba, and select the Password check box and type sql.