The SoapException class is a PBNI class that inherits from the PowerBuilder RuntimeError class. When an exception occurs in a Web service method call, it is converted into a SoapException and thrown. The methods of the classes in PBSoapClient125.pbx and PBWSClient125.pbx can also throw SoapException.
Exception property |
Data type |
Description |
Text |
String |
Contains the text of the error message |
The following table defines methods inherited by a SoapException object from the RuntimeError class.
Exception method |
Data type returned |
Description |
GetMessage |
String |
Returns the error message from objects of type RuntimeError |
SetMessage |
— |
Sets an error message for an object of type RuntimeError |
The following example demonstrates how to use the SoapException class. The ServiceProxy fails to be invoked and returns the error message. The code has three catch clauses: for SoapException, PBXRuntimeError, and RuntimeError. PBXRuntimeError is an exception class that inherits from RuntimeError and is thrown when a PowerBuilder extension raises an error that is not caught by the extension.
string s1,s2 s1 = "abcd" SoapConnection conn long ret ServiceProxy proxy //ServiceProxy is a proxy generated by Web service //wizard try conn = create SoapConnection ret = conn.CreateInstance(proxy, "ServiceProxy") if (ret <> 0)then MessageBox("Fail", "Cannot create proxy " & + "ServiceProxy") return end if s2 = proxy.EchoString(s1) MessageBox("Successful", "The return string is '" & + s2 + "'") catch (SoapException e1) MessageBox("Fail", "Can’t invoke service 'EchoString'") catch (PBXRuntimeError e2) MessageBox("Fail", "There is a runtime error when" & + "invoking Web service") catch (RuntimeError e3) MessageBox("Fail", "There is an unknown error when"& + "invoking Web service") end try
GetMessage in the PowerScript Reference
RuntimeError object in Objects and Controls
SetMessage in the PowerScript Reference