Db_Locale identifies the locale of the data in the database.
When to specify Db_Locale
You must specify the Client_Locale parameter before connecting
to a database.
I10 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
language |
Two character name that represents the language for a specific locale, for example “en” for English. |
territory |
Two character name that represents the cultural conventions for a specific territory, for example “AU” for Australia. |
codeset |
Name of the code set that the locale supports, for example “utf8.” |
Client_Locale value.
The I10 native interface uses the Informix GLS (Global Language Support) API for global language support. Db_Locale specifies the value of the Informix environment variable DB_LOCALE. If you do not set the DBParm, the default Db_Locale value is the Client_Locale value.
Db_Locale specifies the language, territory, and code set that the database server needs to correctly interpret locale-sensitive datatypes such as NChar and NVarChar in a specific database. The code set specified in DB_LOCALE determines which characters are valid in any character column, as well as in the names of database objects such as databases, tables, columns, and views.
For more information about the Informix CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE environment variables, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, currently available at the Informix library Web site.
To set the database locale to 'en_us.utf8':
Database profile Type the following in the Database Locale box on the Regional Settings page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Application Type the following in code: