Specifies the behavior of a transactional PowerBuilder component deployed to COM+. This parameter applies only when a PowerBuilder custom class user object is deployed as a COM+ component and is connecting to an Oracle 8.1.5 or higher database.
Deprecated DBParm
You can no longer deploy components from PowerBuilder to COM+ servers. The
OraMTSConFlgs DBParm is maintained for backward compatibility to existing
PowerBuilder components on COM+ servers. For new development, deploy
components as .NET projects instead.
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle 11g
If a transactional PowerBuilder component deployed to COM+ uses a PowerBuilder native interface to connect to an Oracle 8.1.5 or higher database, COM+ attempts to obtain a pooled connection and enlist the connection in a transaction. You can specify different behavior by selecting one or more of the available options.
When the Oracle database interface is running under COM+, ThreadSafe mode is enabled by default and the value of the ThreadSafe parameter is ignored.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
These values are not mutually exclusive. They are chained using the pipe character in the parameter.
Requirements for COM+ transactional support
Oracle Services for COM+ must be installed and configured.
To obtain an enlisted connection using the INTERNAL account:
Database profile Select the Preliminary INTERNAL Login check box on the EAServer/COM+ page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. The All Default check box is selected by default.
Application Type the following in code (use | to signify a logical OR of the flags):