The following environment variables can be used for debugging CT-Library applications without the need to modify and relink:
SYBOCS_DEBUG_FLAGS–enables specific diagnostic subsystems. You can enable multiple debug options by specifying a comma-delimited list of flags in the variable.
SYBOCS_DEBUG_LOGFILE–specifies the log file where the diagnostics are recorded. If you do not set this variable, messages are written to stdout.
Debug flags that require devlib libraries still require devlib libraries even when using SYBOCS_DEBUG_LOGFILE. For information about which ct_debug flag parameters require devlib libraries, see “ct_debug”.
To use these variables, set them before calling your CT-Library application. For example, on UNIX:
% setenv SYBOCS_DEBUG_LOGFILE libsybfssl.log
% ./isql –U sa –P –S my_ssl_server
% more libsybfssl.log
On Windows:
C:\> set SYBOCS_DEBUG_LOGFILE=.\libsybfssl.log
C:\> isql –Usa –P –S my_ssl_server
C:\> type libsybfssl.log