Defining a security session callback

A security session callback is defined as follows:

     secsession_cb (conn, numinputs, infmt, inbuf,
                    numoutputs, outfmt, outbuf, outlen)

CS_CONNECTION        *conn;
CS_INT               numinputs;
CS_DATAFMT           *infmt;
CS_BYTE              **inbuf;
CS_INT               *numoutputs;
CS_DATAFMT           *outfmt;
CS_BYTE              **outbuf;
CS_INT               *outlen;


The callback forwards the security session message data and reads the client’s response with Server-Library calls. See the reference page for srv_negotiate in the Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual.

A security session callback returns CS_SUCCEED or CS_FAIL. If the callback returns CS_FAIL, Client-Library aborts the connection attempt. Other return values are illegal: Client-Library responds by raising an error and aborting the connection attempt.