

Send a chunk of text or image data to the server.


CS_RETCODE ct_send_data(cmd, buffer, buflen)
 CS_COMMAND     *cmd;
 CS_VOID               *buffer;
 CS_INT                  buflen;



A pointer to the CS_COMMAND structure managing a client/server operation.


A pointer to the value to write to the server.


The length, in bytes, of *buffer.

CS_NULLTERM is not a legal value for buflen.


ct_send_data returns the following values:

Return value



The routine completed successfully.


The routine failed.


The send data operation was canceled.


Asynchronous network I/O is in effect. See “Asynchronous programming”.


An asynchronous operation is already pending for this connection. See “Asynchronous programming”.


Example 1

The following fragment illustrates the call sequence to build and send a send-data command:

           ** UpdateTextData()
           UpdateTextData(connection, textdata, newdata)
           CS_CONNECTION connection;
           TEXT_DATA     textdata;
           char          *newdata;
                CS_RETCODE  retcode;
                CS_INT      res_type;
                CS_COMMAND  *cmd;
                CS_INT      i;
                CS_TEXT     *txtptr;
                CS_INT       txtlen;
                ** Allocate a command handle to send the text with
                ...CODE DELETED.....
                ** Inform Client-Library the next data sent will 
                ** be used for a text or image update.
                if ((retcode = ct_command(cmd, CS_SEND_DATA_CMD, 
                     NULL, CS_UNUSED, CS_COLUMN_DATA)) !=
                     ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_command() \ 
                     return retcode;
                ** Fill in the description information for the 
                ** update and send it to Client-Library.
                txtptr = (CS_TEXT *)newdata;
                txtlen = strlen(newdata);
                textdata->iodesc.total_txtlen = txtlen;
                textdata->iodesc.log_on_update = CS_TRUE;
                retcode = ct_data_info(cmd, CS_SET, CS_UNUSED, 
                if (retcode != CS_SUCCEED)
                     ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_data_info() \ 
                     return retcode;
                ** Send the text one byte at a time. This is not
                ** the best thing to do for performance reasons,
                ** but does demonstrate that ct_send_data()
                ** can handle arbitrary amounts of data.
                for (i = 0; i < txtlen; i++, txtptr++)
                     retcode = ct_send_data(cmd, txtptr,
                     if (retcode != CS_SUCCEED)
                        ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_send_data() \ 
                          return retcode;
                ** ct_send_data() writes to internal network 
                ** buffers. To insure that all the data is 
                ** flushed to the server, a ct_send() is done.
                if ((retcode = ct_send(cmd)) != CS_SUCCEED)
                     ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_send() failed");
                     return retcode;
               /* Process the results of the command */
                while ((retcode = ct_results(cmd, &res_type)) ==
                     switch ((int)res_type)
                        case CS_PARAM_RESULT:
                        ** Retrieve a description of the
                        ** parameter data. Only timestamp data is
                        ** expected in this example.
                        retcode = ProcessTimestamp(cmd, textdata);
                          if (retcode != CS_SUCCEED)
                               ex_error("UpdateTextData: \ 
                                    ProcessTimestamp() failed");
                               ** Something failed, so cancel all
                               ** results.
                              ct_cancel(NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
                               return retcode;
                         case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
                          case CS_CMD_DONE:
                          ** This means that the command succeeded
                          ** or is finished.
                         case CS_CMD_FAIL:
                          ** The server encountered an error while
                          ** processing our command.
                          ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_results() \ 
                          returned CS_CMD_FAIL");
                          ** We got something unexpected.
                          ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_results() \ 
                               returned unexpected result type”);
                          /* Cancel all results */
                          ct_cancel(NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
                ** We're done processing results. Let's check the
                ** return value of ct_results() to see if 
                ** everything went ok.
                ...CODE DELETED.....
               return retcode;

This code excerpt is from the getsend.c sample program.

Example 2

The following fragment illustrates the call sequence to send partial update data:

** UpdateTextData()
UpdateTextData(connection, textdata, newdata)
CS_CONNECTION connection;
TEXT_DATA textdata;
char *newdata;
   CS_RETCODE retcode;
   CS_INT res_type;
   CS_COMMAND  *cmd;
   CS_INT      i;
   CS_TEXT     *txtptr;
   CS_INT       txtlen;
   ** Allocate a command handle to send the text with
   ...CODE DELETED.....
   ** Inform Client-Library the next data sent will 
   ** be used for a text or image update.
   if ((retcode = ct_command(cmd, CS_SEND_DATA_CMD,
      ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_command() \ 
      return retcode;
   ** Fill in the description information for the 
   ** update and send it to Client-Library.
   txtptr = (CS_TEXT *)newdata;
   txtlen = strlen(newdata);
   textdata->iodesc.total_txtlen = txtlen;
   textdata->iodesc.log_on_update = CS_TRUE;
   **  Insert newdata at offset 20.
   textdata->iodesc.iotype = CS_IOPARTIAL;
   textdata->iodesc.offset = 20;
   textdata->iodesc.delete_length = 0;
   retcode = ct_data_info(cmd, CS_SET, CS_UNUSED,
   if (retcode != CS_SUCCEED)
      ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_data_info() \ 
      return retcode;
   ** Send the text one byte at a time. This is not
   ** the best thing to do for performance reasons,
   ** but does demonstrate that ct_send_data()
   ** can handle arbitrary amounts of data.
   for (i = 0; i < txtlen; i++, txtptr++)
      retcode = ct_send_data(cmd, txtptr,(CS_INT)1);
      if (retcode != CS_SUCCEED)
         ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_send_data() \ 
         return retcode;
   ** ct_send_data() writes to internal network 
   ** buffers. To insure that all the data is 
   ** flushed to the server, a ct_send() is done.
   if ((retcode = ct_send(cmd)) != CS_SUCCEED)
      ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_send() failed");
      return retcode;
   /* Process the results of the command */
   while ((retcode = ct_results(cmd, &res_type)) ==
      switch ((int)res_type)
         case CS_PARAM_RESULT:
            ** Retrieve a description of the
            ** parameter data. Only timestamp data is
            ** expected in this example.
            retcode = ProcessTimestamp(cmd, textdata);
            if (retcode != CS_SUCCEED)
               ex_error("UpdateTextData: \ 
                 ProcessTimestamp() failed");
               ** Something failed, so cancel all
               ** results.
               ct_cancel(NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
               return retcode;
         case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
         case CS_CMD_DONE:
            ** This means that the command succeeded
            ** or is finished.
         case CS_CMD_FAIL:
            ** The server encountered an error while
            ** processing our command.
            ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_results() \ 
               returned CS_CMD_FAIL");
            ** We got something unexpected.
            ex_error("UpdateTextData: ct_results() \ 
               returned unexpected result type”);
            /* Cancel all results */
            ct_cancel(NULL, cmd, CS_CANCEL_ALL);
   ** We're done processing results. Let's check the
   ** return value of ct_results() to see if 
   ** everything went ok.
   ...CODE DELETED.....
   return retcode;

This code excerpt is from the uctext.c sample program.


See also

ct_data_info, ct_get_data, “text and image data handling”