Creating Server Entries in System Tables

Use sp_addserver to add entries to the sysservers table.

sp_addserver creates entries for the local server and an entry for each remote server that is to be called. The sp_addserver syntax is:
sp_addserver server_name [,server_class [,network_name]]
  • server_name is the name used to identify the server. It must be unique.

  • server_class is one of the supported server classes. The default value is ASEnterprise. If server_class is set to local, network_name is ignored.

  • network_name is the server name in the interfaces file. This name may be the same as server_name, or it may differ. The network_name is sometimes referred to as the physical name.

You must reboot SAP ASE after your add a local server.

The following examples create entries for the local server named big_server and for the remote server CTOSDEMO with server class ASEnterprise.
sp_addserver big_server, local
sp_addserver CTOSDEMO, ASEnterprise, CTOSDEMO