update statistics

Component Integration Services includes changes to the update statistics command.

See also update statistics in the Reference Manual: Procedures

Server Class ASEnterprise

  • If the table on which the statistics are requested has no indexes, Component Integration Services issues the following command:
    select count(*) from table_name 

    It is also the only command issued when trace flag 11209 is on.

  • If the table has an index and the index is specified in the command, Component Integration Services issues the following commands:
    select count(*) from table_name
    select count(*) column_name [,column_name, ...]
     from table_name 
     group by column_name [,column_name, ..] 

    The column name(s) represent the column or columns that make up the index.

    For example, when the following command is issued:
    update statistics customers ind_name
    Component Integration Services issues:
    select count(*) from customers
    select count(*) last_name, first_name 
     from customers
     group by last_name, first_name
  • If the table has one or more indexes but no index is specified in the statement, Component Integration Services issues the select count (*) once, and the select/order by commands for each index.

  • You must have the sa_role to run update statistic on a proxy table using a remote login.

  • In SAP ASE version 15.0 or later, if a proxy table points to a partitioned table, only global statistics are imported. These are aggregated statistics since proxy tables in SAP ASE version 15.0 are not partitioned.

Server Class ASAnywhere

The processing of update statistics in this server class is identical to pre-SAP ASE version 15.0 servers.

Server Class ASIQ

The processing of update statistics in this server class is identical to pre-SAP ASE version 15.0 servers.

Server Class direct_connect

  • The processing of update statistics in this server class is identical to that of server class ASEnterprise described above.

  • If the direct_connect indicates that is cannot handle the group by or the count(*) syntax, statistics are not collected for the direct_connect.