Component Integration Services includes changes to the update command.
See also update in the Reference Manual: Procedures
If Component Integration Services cannot pass the entire statement to a remote server, a unique index must exist on the table.
The update command is fully supported for all datatypes except text and image. text and image data cannot be changed with the update command, except when setting the text or image value to null. Use the writetext command instead.
If quickpass mode is not used, data is retrieved from the source tables, and the values in the target table are updated using a separate cursor designed for handling a positioned update.
Handling of the update statement is the same as for ASEnterprise.
Handling of the update statement is the same as for ASEnterprise.
If Component Integration Services cannot forward the original query without alteration, you get an error because ASIQ does not support updatable cursors.
update [[database.]owner.]{table_name | view_name} set [[[database.]owner.]{table_name.|view_name.}] column_name1 = {expression1|NULL|(select_statement)} [, column_name2 = {expression2|NULL|(select_statement)}]...
[where search_conditions]
update commands that conform to this syntax use quickpass mode, if the capabilities response from the remote server indicates that all elements of the command are supported. Examples of negotiable capabilities include: subquery support, group by support, and built-in support.
If the remote server does not support all elements of the command, or the command contains a from clause, Component Integration Services issues a query to obtain the values for the set clause, and then issues an update command to the remote server.
Component Integration Services passes data values as parameters to either a cursor or a dynamic SQL statement. Language statements can also be used if the DirectConnect supports it. The parameters are in the datatype native to SAP ASE and must be converted by the DirectConnect into formats appropriate for the target DBMS.