Component Integration Services includes changes to the connect to...diconnect command.
See also commit and connect to...diconnect in the Reference Manual: Procedures
When disconnect is issued, Component Integration Services forwards disconnect to the remote server, to take it out of passthrough mode. If not in passthrough mode, syntax errors may occur, but they are ignored by Component Integration Services and not forwarded to the client.
No interaction occurs with ASAnywhere when connect or disconnect are issued.
No interaction occurs with ASIQ when connect or disconnect are issued.
When connect is issued using a server in class direct_connect, the direct_connect is sent an RPC:
sp_thread_props “passthru mode”, 1
When disconnect is issued, and the server for which a passthrough-mode connection has been established is a direct_connect, the direct_connect is sent an RPC:
sp_thread_props “passthru mode”, 0