Java Abstract Datatypes (ADTs)

Java Classes in SQL (JCS) is the method of storing and using Java objects within the SAP ASE. Component Integration Services interaction in this implementation is needed to support Java objects and Java functions on remote servers.

Objects are passed between the local and remote servers in a serialized format that is a binary representation used to reinstantiate the object. Component Integration Services treats a serialized object as an image blob, using text and image handling functions to pass objects between servers. The object is reinstantiated on the destination server before processing continues.

When handling queries containing references to Java objects and functions on remote servers, Component Integration Services attempts to forward as much syntax as possible to the remote server. Any portion of the query that cannot be passed to the remote server is handled on the local server, requiring the serialization and deserialization of all necessary remote objects. Due to the overhead associated with serializing and deserializing Java objects, performance of such queries is significantly less than comparable local access.

To facilitate the interchange of Java objects between servers, Component Integration Services issues:

set raw_object_serialization ON

to each ASEnterprise server that is Java-enabled. This allows Component Integration Services to easily deserialize the object obtained from the remote site.