Function Replication Definitions

Create applied function replication definitions on the primary Replication Server for ins_pub_title, del_pub_title, and upd_pub_title using the sample scripts.

For inserts and deletes, only state is a searchable column; for updates, old_state is also searchable.
-- Execute this script at NY data servers
-- Creates replication definition ins_pub_title 
create applied function replication definition ins_pub_title
with primary at MIAMI_DS.pubs2
(@pub_id char(4), 
 @pub_name varchar(40),
 @city varchar(20), 
 @state char(2),
 @title_id varchar(6), 
 @title varchar(80), 
 @type char(12),
 @price money, 
 @advance money,
 @total_sales int, 
 @notes varchar(200),
 @pubdate datetime,@contract bit)
searchable parameters (@state)
/* end of script */
-- Execute this script at NY data servers
-- Creates replication definition upd_pub_title 
create applied function replication definition upd_pub_title
with primary at MIAMI_DS.pubs2
(@pub_id char(4), 
 @pub_name varchar(40),
 @city varchar(20), 
 @state char(2),
 @title_id varchar(6), 
 @title varchar(80), 
 @type char(12),
 @price money, 
 @advance money,
 @total_sales int, 
 @notes varchar(200),
 @pubdate datetime,
 @contract bit, 
 @old_state char(2))
searchable parameters (@state, @old_state)
/* end of script */